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英语竞赛试题 (八年级英语) 班级 姓名: 学号: 得分: (Starter Uint1-Unit2) Ⅰ. 单项选择(20分) ( )1. —Susan, I’d like you to help me _________ my math. —With pleasure. A. for B. in C. with D. by ( )2. —Jim, do you know you’ve watched TV for two hours? —Yes. I will stop __________ it at once. A. to watch B. watching C. watched D. watch ( )3. I want to watch the basketball match. Would you please ________ the TV? A. turn on B. turn off C. turn down D. turn up ( )4. My father hopes__back home as soon as possible after finishing his business. A. go B. to go C. going D. him to go ( )5. —Where are you going? —I’m going to the __________ to borrow some books. A. library B. cinema C. museum D. superstar ( )6. —Li Mei usually helps others,_________? —Yes,she is kind-hearted. A. does she B. is she C. doesn’t she ( )7. The Smiths are coming for dinner. We need to buy _________ food. A. some more B. any more C. more some D. more any ( )8.—You have a nice watch. —Thank you. I _________ it since I got married. A. had B. Bought C. have had D. have bought ( )9. My teacher saw some boys _________ when she got to the playground. A. run B. ran C. runing D. running ( )10. Can you finish _________ the book in a week? A. read B. to read C. reading D. reads Ⅱ. 完形填空(20分) Someone once wrote, “All work and no play make Jack a dull(迟钝)boy. ” Work is 1 , but everyone needs leisure(业余) time,too. Leisure time 2 free time to do whatever you want. Some people like to play 3 for good health. Others like to go to interesting places, 4 museums or parks. Many people have 5 . They make things or collect things. Right now, someone is 6 a hobby somewhere. People collect coins, stamps, rocks or books. Everyone likes to make something. 7 could make a boat or a table, a sweater or a fishing net, a bird


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