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“语义变通”练习分析 5. A sloppy storm dumped more than a year’s worth of snow on parts of the Midwest and made a mess of holiday travel and last-minute Christmas shopping Thursday. More than a dozen traffic deaths were blamed on the storm. 一场来的不是时候的暴风雪袭击了美国西部部分城市,就像把全年雪量都倾倒了下来。不仅给人们假日旅行和圣诞节前购物造成了困扰,而且还引发了数十起交通事故。 5. A sloppy storm dumped more than a year’s worth of snow on parts of the Midwest and made a mess of holiday travel and last-minute Christmas shopping Thursday. More than a dozen traffic deaths were blamed on the storm. sloppy:1.马虎的,草率的 2.(衣服)肥大难看的 3.庸俗伤感的 4.太稀的 the Midwest:特指美国西部 last-minute Christmas shopping Thursday 圣诞节前购物 6. “There is evidence all around us that people are pushing back their bed times,” said Vicky Santos, executive director of AC Nielsen’s Singapore office, citing distractions ranging from late night entertainment to all-night and the Internet. AC尼尔森公司驻新加波办公室执行长官维基·桑托斯声称:“有充分证据表明,人们的上床睡觉时间推迟”,他还列举了晚场娱乐活动、通宵娱乐活动以及上网等各种让人分心的活动。 6. “There is evidence all around us that people are pushing back their bed times,” said Vicky Santos, executive director of AC Nielsen’s Singapore office, citing distractions ranging from late night entertainment to all-night and the Internet. evidence:n. → v. pushing back their bed times: AC Nielsen:AC尼尔森,荷兰VNU集团属下公司,是领导全球的市场研究公司,在全球超过100个国家提供市场动态、消费者行为、传统和新兴媒体监测及分析。 distractions:1. 令人分心的事;消遣 7. Portugal boasts more night owls than any other country with three-quarters of those polled still up after midnight, the poll, conducted over the Internet in October, showed. In August, Australians nodded off the earliest and got the longest hours of beauty sleep. 十月的一次网上调查表明,葡萄牙的夜猫子比任何一个国家都要多(葡萄牙人民晚上睡得最晚),参与调查的人们有四分之三午夜后还没睡觉。而八月的一次调查表明,澳大利亚人民睡得最早,美容觉时间最长。 7. Portugal boasts more night owls than any other country with three-quarters of those polled still up after midnight, the poll, conducted over the Internet in October, showed. In August, Australians nodded off the earliest and got the longest hours of beauty sleep.


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