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S O M E N O T E S O N S H E N C O N G W E N S T H O U G H T O F L IT E R A T U R E E D U C A T IO N A B S T R A C T S ince the new century, there has been a fierce debate on the top ic of literature education. T he realistic literature education em phasizes the too ls and utilitarian, has neglected the im prov ing on aesthetic quality and aesthetic ab ility of the learners. A t the sam e tim e, if w e con sider our literature as a m ed ia of hum an istic sp irit, literature edu cation m u st b e b oun d to the h um an ities ed ucation ; it is the fo un dation and core o f the literature education. Its purpose is to cu ltivate peop les personality, cu ltivate ones m oral character, and m ake the learners understand hum an nature beauty, and then understand the m ean ing and purpose of life. T hus, the core of literature education is th e co re o f a e sth e tic e d u ca tio n an d h u m a n itie s ed u c atio n . A s hum an w isdom an d exp erience accum u lation ,literature conclu des th e outstanding cu ltural heritage of our country. T h is involves the literary classic top ic. T h e literary classics are those w ork s w h ich are fu ll of aesthetic valu e and cultural value. L iterature classics as a realistic m aterial ;prov ide a realistic approach or m ethod to aesthetic education and hum an ities education in the process of literature education . T h is article tak ing Shen C ongw en as a case, research h is literature education m ind, and hop e to prov ides som e experience for our now -days literature education, and help literature education to find a w ay ou t of the difficult situation. T h is article d iv ided into three parts, the first part m ain ly discusses Sh en C ongw ens thought of aesthetic education. A ccord ing Sh en C ongw en “b eauty in life aesth etic propo sition analys


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