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A b s tra c t
R ap id econom ic developm ent, p eop les liv ing standards continu e to im prove fine
arts edu cation has also b een a sign ifican t developm ent, th e teach ing ph ilo soph y of the
original stereotyp e has b egun to slow ly fade out of sight, follow ed by a m ore
p ioneered the concep t of edu cation of th e B ay entry. M iddle school arts program s are
also turn in g to cu ltivate th e aesth etic and creative sk ills of th e edu cated. So for now ,
th e fu tu re of C h in ese art edu cation train ing, w h at k ind of talent, ideas are slow ly
m aturin g. C om pared w ith th at focu s on ly on th e cu ltivation of b asic sk ills
perform ance is no longer su itab le for the cultivation of art talents of the n ew century
direction, w e shou ld fin d a w ay to dev elop m ore innovative art talent. H ow ever, any
on e course o f change requ ires a lon g an d d ifficu lt process. A cro ss th e country in
effo rts to seek tran sfo rm atio n in so m e ar ea s h a s b een su c c e ssfu l tran sitio n ou t o f th e
on e for itself and con sistent w ith th e teach ing m eth ods of the present concept of art
education. For the underdeveloped areas of art education, is still in a b lind and chaotic
state. E very p art of th e reason for its ex isten ce on th e hum an body, every organ to
p lay w ith th eir resp ectiv e fu n ction s, w ithout w h ich is u sed as furn ish ings. T h e sam e
settings for each subject, each discip lin e has gone through th e test of tim e and its
h istory validation of scientific rationality, can reflect the value of th e ex istence of th e
discip line and art discip lines are no excep tion . Sh im izu C ounty A rt E ducation today is
still in the aw kw ard position of d isp lay schoo l art class ju st as the com p letion of the
teach in g task to deal w ith alm ost zero inv estm ent in art education .F onn of
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