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大沖:师 范 人 予 法 律 硕 十 (JM ) 研 究 生 宁位 论文
络 服 务方式 的创 新 和 商业 惯 例 的改进 等 角度探 索符 合 我 国现 实条件 的 网络 信 息财 产 继
承 之 路 ;第 五部 分 结语 ,是对 文 章基 本 观 点 的总 结和 提炼 ,并 阐述 了写作 体 会 。
关 键 词 : 网络信息财产;继承;法的局限性;商业惯例
大洋 师范 人宁法律硕 i: (JM ) 研 究 卞/7:位论 文
A b stra c t
W ith the Internet age com ing, inform ation technology experience the rapid developm ent
of a large num ber w ith the netw ork-related em erging th ings into our v ision to change our w ay
of life. Q Q , M SN , e-m ail, m icrob logging, b log, W eb store, online gam es and so on according
to a virtual ex istence in cyberspace gradually occupy an im portant part of our daily lives,
n etw ork in form ation indu stry has show ed trem endou s value to becom e the n ew econom ic
grow th. Specific product in the personal netw ork inform ation netw ork env ironm ent, the
com b ination of the m ajority of u sers of en ergy, effort and m oney, not on ly has a certain
am ount of econom ic value, but also contain s the sentim ental value can not be ignored . A fter
the death of th e u ser, th ese rich digital properties belong to w hom ? N etw ork inform ation of
inheritance propo sition em erged . In-depth study on th is issue, both operators and a vast
netw ork of u sers, are of great sign ificance.
T he basic problem of the academ ic definition s, attributes, and the scope of th e personal
property of the netw ork inform ation op in ion s, pathw ay and netw ork inform ation an d property
is no agreem ent on dispute resolu tion . N etw ork inform ation of inheritance look s lik e there is a
long w ay to go. T he ab sence of property rights protection on th e n etw ork inform ation w ith
dom estic law , foreign law in th is regard, legislative efforts, and produce a certain influence,
h igh lights the dem and for legal regu lation of property rights on the netw ork inform ation and
th e p
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