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L A O Z F S T H O U G H T S O N C H IN E S E E D U C A T IO N A B S T R A C T L ao zi is an im portant ph ilosoph er in the C h in ese cu lture h istory, and is regarded as the founder of T aoism . T h e on ly book w h ich h e w rote is D ao D e Jing and has left us preciou s sp iritual w ealth . F ew peop le m ention the C h inese education thought about L ao zi. A ccordin g to h istorical records, L ao zi also had C h inese teach in g exp erience. So, th e D ao D e Jing contains C h inese education w isdom , and especially th e asp ects of th e relation sh ip b etw een ch aracter and dao and teach ing w ithout language bring th e great en lightenm ent to th e m odern C h inese edu cation . T h e article w h ich u ses th e m ethod of consu lting literature m aterials rev iew s sum m arizes and research es th e C h inese edu cation th ought of L ao zi. T h e first p art states th e back ground of L ao zis education thou gh t from th e origin of th ou gh ts an d practice in detail, and lay s th e foundation on the latter parts. T h e secon d p art d iscu sses th e C h in ese of L ao zi onto logy v iew . From th e v iew of relation betw een th e w ord and the m eaning and negative literal, it exp lains the conn otation of dao and th e contradiction b etw een dao and language. B ecau se of the lim itation s of lan gu age, L ao zi argu ed n o saying and n egated characters. B ut h e also u sed th e language creatively, left fiv e thou sand w ords D ao D e J ing J.T \\Q th ird part d iscu sses th e L ao zis thou gh t on C h in ese edu cation , such as the teach ing goal on dao ,,, the teach in g m ethods about teach ing w ith no language, w ith im portance of teach er as th e core of the teach er thou ghts .T he fourth p art discu sses th e un ique article p aradigm of L ao zis D ao D e J ing from the article contained stru ctu


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