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29 6 V o.l 29 N o. 6 2009 12 JOURNAL OF EARTH QUAK E ENG IN EER ING AND ENG INEER ING V IBRAT ION D ec. 2009 : 1000 - 1301( 2009) 06- 0025 - 08 汪 强, 王进廷, 金 峰, 张楚汉 ( , 100084) : ( RTDHT ) SIM UL INK , , , , , , , , : : P315974 TU 317 : A R ealtim e dynam ic hybrid sim u lation testing based on virtual shak ingtab le WANG Q iang, WANG J int ing, JIN Feng, ZHAN G Chuhan ( S tate K ey L aboratory of H yd ro science and Eng ineering, T singhua U n iv ersity, B eijing 100084, C h ina) Abs tract: R ea ltmi e dynam ic hybrid testing ( RTDHT ) is a novel testing m ethod coupled o f physica l sub structure testing and num erical sub stru cture calcu lation. In this paper, hydraulic servo shakingtab le is m odeled in SIMU L INK and the o ffline tuning is perform ed based on it. A new idea of RTDHT pretesting b ased on v irtu al sh akingta b le is realized. T he RTDHT pretest ing can be u sed to gu ide the rea l RTDHT tests. A high deg ree smi ulation of sh ak ingtable prop ert ies can be ach ieved by the v irtu al shakingtab le. RTDHT based on v irtu al shak ingtab le can truly reflect the ex istence of tmi e delay and possible system instab ility. Prediction algor ithm is u sed to com pen sate the tmi e delay, the resu lts show that de lay can be e lmi inated and the system retains the stab ility. T he testing resu lts co inc ide w e ll w ith num erica l results. It is concluded th at the RTDH T pretesting based on v irtu al sh akingtable not on ly o ffers gu idance on rea lRTDHT tests but also prevents possible equ ipm ent dam age caused by system instab ility. K e



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