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医学科技论文的写作 实用文体翻译 Translation of Practical Discourse Instructor: JIANG Wenping Definition 文学文体:利用语言给人以乐趣和美的享受。 实用文体:“直接以传递信息或服务的语篇类型” Let’s Compare If you dare to play the fox with me, I’ll shoot you at once! 你要是对我耍滑头,我马上毙了你! If you dare to play the fox with me, I’ll shoot you at once! 女土匪: 男土匪: 道士: 包公: 王煕凤: 流氓: If you dare to play the fox with me, I’ll shoot you at once! 吉林方言: 湖南方言: 上海方言: 四川方言: 广东方言: Let’s Compare If the oven is not used for a long time, plug off from power source and place it in a airy and no erosive gas environment. 微波炉若长期不用,应拔掉电源插头,放在通风干燥,无腐蚀性的环境中。 Practical Translation vs. Literary Translation(信、达、雅) Presentation Sharp Eyes, Sharp Brain 医学英语文体特点 例:急性化脓性阑尾炎在临床上表现为右下压痛、反跳痛、肌紧张加重,及全身症状。 The clinical symptoms of acute purulent appendictis include right lower abdominal tenderness, rebound tenderness, aggravation of muscular tension, and global symptoms. 医学术语 以医生或患者姓名冠名: Parkinson’s Disease: Down Syndrome: Christmas Diesase: 贺-赵缺陷症 : 医学术语 以神话或文学中的人物或事件冠名: Achilleus jerk: Diana complex: Lear complex: Pickwickian syndrome: 医学术语 以地名冠名: Mediterranean anemia: Chiba needle: 克山病: 湖北钉螺: 医学术语 复合词: Nutraceutical: Nutrition+pharmaceutical (营养药物) Radiotherapy: Radiation+therapy (放射疗法) 医学术语 首字母缩略词: TB: OP: BP: GH: 半术语是指同样的术语在不同行业,不同专业里或不同情况下具有不同含义。 例:culture; medium culture medium? 培养基 例:trace; element trace elements 微量元素 Translation A pregnant woman is admitted to a hospital once she has begun labor. 一旦孕妇开始出现分娩阵痛症状,就可入院。 Translation No person, except an identical twin, was able to accept into his body the tissues of another person without reacting against them. 除了同卵双生以外,没有一个人的身体能接受他人的组织,却不对它们产生抗异。 Revision Acute and sub-acute hepatic necrosis more often complicates hepatitis in the elderly. 翻译:急性与亚急性肝坏死往往使上了年纪的人的肝炎复杂化。 改译:上了年纪的肝炎患者往往并发急性与亚急性肝坏死。 Revision In such cases heart murmur is often present. 翻译:在这类病例中,常有心脏的低沉音。 改译:这类病例常伴有心脏杂音。 Revision Abnormal lymph nodes may be hard, soft or even fluctuant; ten


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