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摘 要 温度是工业生产和自动控制中最常见的工艺参数之一,生产过程需要对温度进行检测和控制 。为了满足对温度采集和测量要求,实现对各个支路温度的检测,本系统就是采用了AT89S52为主控的8路温度检测的系统。 该系统可以实现多个点的温度检测和数值显示并且具有RS-485通信功能。该系统包括的模块主要有温度的采集,单片机的控制,AD转换,温度值的显示,RS-485通信。它主要使用的是热敏电阻Pt100温度传感器实现温度检测,并通过AD转换对采集到的数值进行转换,随后将温度显示在液晶屏上,并对温度设置上下阈值来实现温度报警功能。 论文首先简单介绍了该系统的基本原理及整体结构,接着分硬件、软件两部分对整个系统进行阐述,其中软件部分详细描述。最后是系统的调试与分析,对系统的功能进行了验证。 关键词:AT89S52, RS-485, AD转换, PT100温度传感器 ABSTRACT Temperature is one of the most common parameters in industrial production and automatic control of technological, there is the need of the detection and control in the productive process. In order to meet the requirement of temperature acquisition and measurement to detect eight-channel`s temperature, so we will design a simply temperature detection system which focus on the AT89S52. This system can detect the temperature, display the values of number with RS-485 communication function. This system includes the collection of temperature, the control of the single chip microcomputer, AD conversion, display the temperature value and RS-485 communication. It detect temperature and transfer the temperature which is mainly use a PT100 temperature sensor. Then display the temperature on the Liquid Crystal Display. And set up the top and the bottom temperature value. If the temperature doesn`t reach the range of the top and bottom ,the system will give an alarm. This paper first introduces the basic principle and the massive structure of the system. Then it is divided into two parts to the whole system hard ware and software are described, the software part will give a detail description. Finally there is a need to debug and analyze the system to testify the system. KEY WORDS:前 言 1 第1章 绪论 3 1.1基本原理 3 1.1.1传感器部分 3 1.1.2 主控制部分 4 1.1.3 AD转换模块 4 ADC0809简介 4 ADC0809原理 5 1.1.4 485通信模块 6 1.2系统方案 6 1.2.1系统的整体结构 6 1.2.2 软件介绍 7 1.3 章节安排 8 第2章 硬件设计 9 2.1 总体设计 9 2.2 系统主要器件的介绍 10 2.2.1 单片机AT89S52 10 2.2.2 A/D转换芯片 11 2.2.3 温度传感器 12 2.2.4 显示LCD 1602 12 2.2.5 MAX485芯片 12 2.3 总


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