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摘要:我国要建设社会主义和谐社会,践行科学发展观,统筹城乡和社会发展,解决“三农”问题是关键,而“三农”问题的重点是农民问题,在农民的所有问题中,农民的社会保障问题举足轻重,而社会保障中社会养老保险是最基本的保障。解决好农民的养老问题是社会主义的本质要求。现阶段在我国农村地区实行的新型农村社会养老保险措施与原有的养老保险措施相比,有了很大的进步。但由于个别集体的资金支持不到位,部分农民本身的缴费能力差等原因,限制了农民参加养老保险的能力和对农民的保障水平。通过对我国农村社会养老保险实施二十多年来的历程回顾,在对我国新型农村社会养老保险现状分析的基础上,提出了我国新型农村养老保险的实施情况及存在的问题,并创新性地提出了相应的解决措施。 关键词:新农村;养老保险;保障 Abstract:China wants to build a socialist harmonious society, practice the scientific concept of development, urban and rural and social development, solve the three rural issue is the key, and the three rural issue focused on the issue of farmers in all the issues of farmers, farmers important social security, and social security pension insurance is the most basic protection. Solve the pension problem is that farmers essential requirement of socialism. At this stage in the implementation of the rural areas of Chinas new rural social pension insurance measures and compared to the original endowment insurance policy has been great progress. However, due to the financial support of individual group can not be fully in place, some poor farmers ability to pay their own reasons, limit the ability of farmers to participate in pension insurance and the level of protection for farmers. Through the implementation of the Rural Social Pension Insurance Review the history of twenty years, on Chinas new status of rural social pension insurance based on the study of Chinas new rural endowment insurance and problems of implementation, and the corresponding the solutions. Key words: The new rural;Pension insurance;Security 目 录 1 前言 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2本文研究的现实价值和理论意义 1 1.3国内外研究综述 2 1.4本文拟要解决的问题 4 2 我国新型农村养老保险概述 4 2.1 我国农村社会养老保险发展历程 4 2.2 新型农村社会养老保险试点实施状况 5 3 新型农村养老保险存在的问题 5 3.1资金筹集困难 6 3.2农民承担缴费能力弱 6 3.3 农民对新型养老保险持保守态度 7 3.4高龄老年人口养老需求无法满足 7 3.5 养老基金保值增值难度大 8 4农村养老保险存在问题解决对策 8 4.1多渠道筹集农村社会保险资金 8 4.2 增加农民收入,提高保障水平 9 4.3 加强政策宣传,转变农民投保观念 10 4.4 通过多种措施满足养老需求 10 4.5有效运营基金,增强基金的保值增值能力 11 5 结论 11 参考文献 12 致 谢 13 1 前言 1.1研究背景 中国是一个传统的农业大国,农村人口占了我国总人口的大部分,传统的农村养老模


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