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论蒙台梭利的幼儿教育对当前的启示 作者:xx 单位:xx大学 摘要 蒙台梭利是一位杰出的幼儿教育家,蒙台梭利教育法流传古今中外,她的教育方法在我国影响很大,蒙台梭利教育热的现象已经在我国幼教领域中突现出来。她的教育理论和教育方法有很多值得我们参考和借鉴的地方。本论文从蒙台梭利的教育理论、蒙台梭利的课程内容和蒙台梭利的教育原则与方法等三个方面对蒙台梭利的教育法进行了一些探究。并且,结合我国当前幼儿教育的实际状况,对蒙台梭利可以给我国当前的幼儿教育带来的一些启示进行了论述。蒙台梭利理论在重视儿童的自我发展、适应儿童心理发展的敏感期和阶段性以及重视儿童的活动等三个方面都给我们以重要的启示。但是,尽管蒙台梭利的教育理论和方法对我们今天的幼儿教育具有重要的参考价值,可是,我们还是应该充分吸取其中的有益部分,而且应该是适度的汲取,有许多观点和做法并不完全正确。 关键词 蒙台梭利 幼儿教育 英文题名The Inspiration of the current Maria Montessori childhood education Abstract Receive the set shuttle benefit infant theories and methods already at in the world drive extensive expansion and usage, also become gradually at the our country a receives the set shuttle benefit heat, the domestic is many big in the cities all build up to receive the surname infant park or receive the surname class exclusively.Receive although the set shuttle benefit infant education theories and methods come from the foreign country, the infant development and the teaching views of the basis is a constant principle up to the present. It mainly is to emphasize to take infant as the center, let self-moving and active study of child, become the person to to be good at to hold tight the infant sensitive period in the development process of the infant, various technical ability of the development infant of the take action according to circumstances. But become the person to just act as the role of inspiration in the process of infant develop, letting the infant be the oneself development the one who can move. In 21 centuries, we follow the information for ages, society just the variety that take place to change with each passing day. Have receive the set shuttle benefit education theories foundation up to now for 100 years, some have already not agree with the request of the development of match the infant gradually. Plus many persons can not be real to comprehend to receive the education principle that the set shuttle benefit initiate with confidence, or be subjected to some benifit drive the cr



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