《大学英语》精读 第四册 Test Yourself 1-2选择题与其答案.doc

《大学英语》精读 第四册 Test Yourself 1-2选择题与其答案.doc

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《大学英语》精读 第四册 Test Yourself 1-2选择题与其答案

Test Yourself 1 Inside,in the warm living room, with a glass of wine to drink and Mozart to listen to on the CD, she was far from the tiredness she had ___C___earlier. A advocated B conceived C claimed D accumulated If youve worked for one employer for two years or more before leaving to have your baby,you may be __B___maternity pay(产妇薪酬) A drawn on B entitled to (有权益) C settled for (满足于) D rested on (依靠) Tons of food was laid out on the big table and crates of beer were ____D__ready for consumption. A reserved(保留) B expended(花费) C generated(产生) D stacked(一堆) Youd better keep your leaders___A____of your activities so that they can ensure you are adequately supported. A informed(告知) B amused(有趣的) C outlined(概括) D swallowed(吞咽) According to the latest poll,the presidents 43 percent support has _B____to 32percent. A minimized(最小化) B shrunk(减少) C cited(引证) D predicted(预言) Managers might not borrow as much as they should,if they want to retain a large____C__of borrowing power in case of problems. A delivery(递交) B burden (负担) C reserve ( D deposit(沉淀) It is said that one____D__a work of art and brings it forth as a child is _____and brought forth into the world. A reproduces, reproduced(繁殖) B safeguards, safeguarded (防护措施) C tolerates,tolerated (忍受) D conceives,conceived (构思、怀孕) Our case against piracy was won,but over $75000 had been _B_____in legal costs in the proceedings ,far more than the compensation awarded by the court. A advanced (提高) B expended(花费) C attained(获得) D blasted(爆炸) If the environment is to be properly____C___policies must be formulated which will encourage the green industry. A bluffed(吓唬) B promoted(促进) C safeguarded(保障) D varnished (装饰) Although we are often successful in securing accommodation for people with AIDS, it is a problem which stretches our _C_____to the full and needs taken care of immediately. A bonuses (奖金) B dilemmas (窘境) C resource (资源) D limitations (



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