(Averaging reading from Remote Sensor) 改变条线 - Wine Guardian.PDF

(Averaging reading from Remote Sensor) 改变条线 - Wine Guardian.PDF

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(Averaging reading from Remote Sensor) 改变条线 - Wine Guardian

酒卫酒窖冷却系统 安装,使用和保养指南 型号:WG 40, WG 75, WG 100, WG 175 Ducted Wine Cellar Cooling Systems Installation, Operation and Maintenance Guide Models: WG 40, WG 75, WG 100, WG 175 Manufactured by: 制造商 美国空气创新公司 酒卫保留权利,恕不另行通知,可自行决定更改此文件。 如需酒卫使用手册和其他必威体育精装版文本请访问我们的网站。 Wine Guardian 是空气创新公司的注册商标(注册号76/551,126) 2014 年04 月版 Wine Guardian division of Air Innovations, Inc. Syracuse, NY Wine Guardian reserves the right, without notice, to make changes to this document at our sole discretion. Please visit our web site for the most current version of the Wine Guardian Manual and other literature. Wine Guardian is a registered Trademark (76/551,126) of Air Innovations, Inc. Edition 04-2014 Property of Air Innovations. All Rights Reserved. Table of Contents 目录 Directory of Terms 缩写语言索引 1 Receiving, Inspecting and Unpacking the 3 Wine Guardian Unit 接收,检查和打开酒卫主机3 Receiving and Inspecting the Unit 接收,检查3 Review the Packing Slip to Verify:4 Check the unit for:4 General Description 概述5 Standard Specifications 标准规格6 The Wine Guardian Unit Contains 酒卫主机组包括6 Accessories and Optional 8 Heating Coils 8 Water Cooled Option 8 Duct Collars and Flexible Ducts8 Extended Compressor Warranty 8 Low Ambient Option8 Condensate Pump9 Humidifier and Humidistat 9 Overview of the Wine Guardian Unit 酒卫主机概述9 Overview Illustration of the Wine Guardian Unit 酒卫主机插图概述 12 Refrigeration Illustration - Vapor Compression System 制冷插图- 蒸气压缩系统 12 Wiring Dia


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