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* This slide provides a schematic view of the project – and what I’ll focus on today, which is selected findings from Phase II. This phase focuses on passive observation of patient adherence and the collection of additional data on factors that may affect adherence. 该幻灯片提供了一个项目的示意图--而我今天所要重点讨论的,是项目第三阶段的主要结果。这个阶段的重点是被动观察病人依从性和收集额外的可能影响依从性的因素。 We enrolled 80 patients at the beginning of Phase II – 6 months later at randomization, 69 remained. Most attrition was due to death by heroin overdose or because patients were put into mandatory detoxification. 我们在项目第二阶段录入了80个病人--6个月后,随机性的,仍有69人留下。大多数脱离的病人是由于海洛因过量导致的死亡或者由于病人被羁押进行强制戒毒。 * * * Stress that EDM feedback was not used before this study as an intervention because researchers worried that giving the EDM data to patients and clinicians would CHANGE THEIR BEHAVIOR. “That got us thinking” … as Chris Gill likes to put it. * * * * Phase II objectives included:第二阶段目标包括: Determining the best measure of ART adherence in our study population确定研究人群中可使用的最好的测量抗病毒药物依从性的方法 Using that measure, to determine actual adherence rates over the Phase II 6 month time frame.使用该方法,历时6个月确定依从性比率 And to analyze the relationship between adherence factors and adherence rates – not included in this presentation. 分析依从性影响因素和依从性之间的关系--不包括在此幻灯片中 * Methods: 3 different EDM measures: One that calculated a simple prop of doses taken A second one that calculated the proportion of doses taken that were taken on time A third one that calculated the proportion of doses taken on time of all doses that should have been taken - incorporated both missed and off-time doses * Methods:方法 - Used the gold standard of UDVL; 400 copies per ml 使用金标法检测病毒载量,结果400copy/ml为病毒低于可检测水平(UDVL) * Sample characteristics: 样本特点: Nearly 3/4th were male ?为男性 Mean age of nearly 36 years 平均年龄36岁 majority had junior high education or above – typical for areas outside of big cities 大多数是初中或者以上学历-典型特点是大城市外居住 2/3, mainly the men, had used heroin 2/3,主要是男性,使用海洛因 Fairly high CD


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