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30 6 V o.l 30 N o. 6 20 10 12 JOURNAL OF EARTH QUAKE ENG IN EER ING AND ENG INEER ING V IBRAT ION D ec. 2010 : 1000- 1301( 20 10) 06- 0154- 08 1, 2 1, 2 3 冯大阔 , 张建民 , 侯文峻 ( 1. , 100084 2. , 100084 3. , 100835) : 80 , : ( 1) ( 2) , ( 3) , - ( 4) : : P315. 9 8 TU 4 11 : A P rogressive test investigation on 3D behavior of grave-l structure interface 1, 2 1, 2 3 FENG D akuo , ZHANG J ianm in , H OU W enjun ( 1. In stitute of G eotechn ical Eng ineering, T singhua U n iv ersity, B eijing 100084, Ch ina 2. State K ey L aboratory of Hy dro scien ce and E ngineering, T s inghua U n iv ersity, B eijing 100084, Ch ina 3. M in istry of H ou sing and U rban-R ural D ev elopm en t, Beijing 100835, Ch in a) Abs tract: U sing a new professional app ara tu s ( 3DMA S) , the 3D behavior o f the interface bewt een stru cture and grave lly so il w idely u sed in pract ica l eng ineering w as stu died, and the m ajor influence factors w ere a lso d iscu ssed. The resu lts ind icate tha:t ( 1) the vo lum etric change o f the interface is obv iously ob served due to shear application, and can be div ided in to reversible and irreversib le com ponents in tw o-w ay cyc lic shear p ath s ( 2) the relation sh ip betw een shear stress and tangent ia l d isplacem ent h as nonlinear characterist ics, and becom es h ardenable du e to cy- clic shear ( 3) the


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