第四讲 Transformational Generative Grammar 1103.ppt

第四讲 Transformational Generative Grammar 1103.ppt

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第四讲 Transformational Generative Grammar 1103

Transformational Generative Grammar 第四讲 背景 乔姆斯基发现结构主义只按分布和替换原则对结构成分进行分类的方法有很大局限性,于是他另辟蹊径,从1957年标志着“乔姆斯基”革命的《句法结构》开始,逐步建立了著名的转换生成语法。 美国语言哲学家John Searle 评论乔姆斯基的研究工作,其影响范围和完整程度足以与弗洛伊德相比。 英国著名的《前景》杂志为纪念创刊十周年,会同美国《外交政策》杂志进行了一次网络调查,评选全球最具影响力的100名公共知识分子。日前,两份杂志公布了评选结果,美国著名的语言学家诺曼·乔姆斯基被评为当代最伟大公共知识分子。在2万张有效投票中,乔姆斯基共获得了4800张选票,两倍于位居第二的艾柯。现年70岁的乔姆斯基是当代最著名的语言学家之一,但乔姆斯基的影响力并不局限于语言学。 他在29岁时出版的《句法结构》提出了转换生成语法的思想,从而奠定了他在现代语言学中的地位。由他主持开发的人机对译系统采用了转换生成语法原理,成功地实现了印欧语系中不同语言之间的人机对译,被广泛用于国际会议的同声传译。 乔姆斯基认为语言研究应致力于探索人的内在的语言能力,不应满足于对言语行为这种表面现象的观察和描写。结构主义研究语言的目的是为了对语言进行分类描写,而在乔姆斯基看来,语言研究的目的就是要建立一套形式化的演绎系统,一套有限的语法规则。这套规则既能生成出无限合乎语法的句子,又能解释各种句子内部的语法关系和语义上的歧义性。 Chomsky has long been an opponent of behaviourist psychology. Chomsky held that human beings are different from animals or machines. He believes that the structure of language is determined by the structure of the human mind and that the universality of certain properties characteristic of language is evidence that at least this part of human nature is common to all members of the species. 乔姆斯基的生成语法大致经历了五个阶段: 古典理论 (Classic Theory, 1955-1965) 标准理论 (Standard Theory, 1965-1970) 扩展的标准理论 (Extended Standard Theory, 1970-1980) 修正的扩展标准理论(Revised Extended Standard Theory, 1980-1992) 最简方案 (Minimalist Program,1992-) The classical theory is characterized by three features: Emphasis on generative ability of language Introduction of transformational rules Grammatical description regardless of meaning The standard theory included a semantic component in his grammatical model. Chomsky says that a generative grammar should consist of three components: syntactic, phonological and semantic. In “A Minimalist Program for Linguistic Theory”, he holds that the initial stages of human languages are the same whereas the states of acquiring different languages are not. The Innateness Hypothesis Chomsky believes that language is somewhat innate, and that children are born with what he calls a Language Acquisition Device. According to this view, children are bor


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