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31 3 () Vol. 31 No. 3 2008 9 JOURNAL OF NANJING NORMAL UNIVERSITY ( Natural Science Edition) Se , 2008 26 10 原地宇生核素 A l和 Be剖面定年 及其在早期人类遗址年代研究中的应用前景 高 斌, 赵志军 (, 210046) 26 [ ] . Al 10 Be, . . 26 10 [ ] , , A l Be, [ ] P597 [ ] A [ ] 1001-4616( 2008) 03-0123-06 26 10 In-situ Cosmogenic Aland Be Depth ProfileMethod and ItsPotentials forDating Early ominid Sites in China Gao B in, Z hao Z h ijun ( School ofG eogra hical Sciences, N anjing Norm alUniversity, Nanjing 210046, China) Abstract: The age determ ination of the early and m idd le Pleistocene hom in id sites bears mi ortant mi lications for our understand ing of the origin and evolution of early hum ans. In China, the key hom in id sites such as Xujiayao site and Yunxian M an site, in m ost cases, lie in alluvium / fluvial de osits and so far have not been dated by radiom etric geo- 26 10 chronologicalm ethod. W ith sign ificant mi rovem ent of AMS techn ique, in situ roduced cosm ogen ic A l and Be de th rofilem ethod can be used to date river terrace sedmi ents overm illion-year tmi e scale. V ia this m ethod, we ex ect to fulfill the rad iom etric/ tem oral ga 0 of som e mi ortant hom in id s i


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