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• 456 • Journal of Biomedical Engineering, Jun. 2017, Vol. 34, No.3   ·综 述· 基于脑网络连接的实时功能磁共振成像神经 反馈技术研究进展 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 贺文颉 ,卜海兵,童莉,刘福权,曾颖,王林元    综述    闫镔    审校 1. 信息工程大学(郑州   450002 ) 2. 65021部队(沈阳   110162 ) 【摘要】   实时功能磁共振成像(rt-fMRI )技术的发展为基于脑血液动力学水平的神经反馈技术提供了基 础,并为认知神经科学的研究带来新的机遇与挑战。随着大脑高级神经机制研究的深入,基于 rt-fMRI 的神经反 馈技术正从早期单一脑区的调节向更符合人脑功能活动的脑网络连接的调节发展,并有望成为 rt-fMRI 神经反馈 的发展趋势。文中首先对基于 rt-fMRI 的神经反馈技术的基本原理和发展情况进行了介绍,然后重点讨论了基于 脑网络连接的 rt-fMRI 神经反馈技术的研究现状,包括研究思路、实验方法和研究结论等,最后对该领域发展存 在的问题进行了讨论和展望。 【关键词】  神经反馈;实时功能磁共振成像;自主调节;脑网络连接 Research development of real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging neuro- feedback technology based on brain network connectivity 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 HE Wenjie , BU Haibing , TONG Li , LIU Fuquan , ZENG Ying , WANG Linyuan , YAN Bin 1. Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou 450002, P.R.China 2. Troops 65021, Shenyang 110162, P.R.China Corresponding author: YAN Bin, Email: ybspace@ 【Abstract 】 The emergence of real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (rt-fMRI) has provided foundations for neurofeedback based on brain hemodynamics and has given the new opportunity and challenge to cognitive neuroscience research. Along with the study of advanced brain neural mechanisms, the regulation goal of rt- fMRI neurofeedback develops from the early specific brain region activity to the brain network connectivity more accordant with the brain functional activities, and the study of the latter may be a trend in the area. Firstly, this paper introduces basic principle and development of rt-fMRI neurofeedback. Then, it specifically discusses the current research status of brain connectivity neurofeedback technology, including resea


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