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Damper: n,1、 风门,气阀 2、制音器,减音管 put a damper on sth.(informal)使扫兴;使沮丧 The cold weather put a damper on our plans. Sym: hindrance(n,起妨碍作用的事或人…)、silencer(内燃机)消音器、 amortisseur 消音器 reverently: adv,虔诚地,恭敬地. reverent,adj,尊敬的,恭敬的,虔诚的. He?spoke?reverently?about?colleges?and ?loved?walking around?the?campus. sym:adv, piously?/?prayerfully 虔诚地 * FUN, OH BOY. FUN. YOU COULD Die FROM IT (paragraph 12-13) Suzanne BrittJordan made by Jack Jason Rambo It occurred to me, while I was sitting around waiting for the fun to start, that not much is, and that I should tell you just in case you’re worried about your fun capacity(容量). I don’t mean to put a damper on things. I just mean we ought to treat fun reverently. It is a mystery. It cannot be caught like a virus. It cannot trapped like an animal. The god of mirth is paying us back for all those years of thinking fun was everywhere by refusing to come to our party. I don’t want to blaspheme fun anymore. When fun comes in on little dancing feet, you probably won’t be expecting it. In fact , I bet it comes when you’re doing your duty, your job, or your work. It may even come on a Tuesday. What dose the underlined part mean? Do you support the author’s understand about fun? mirth: n. 欢笑;欢乐;高兴 The end of?mirth?is the beginning of sorrow. 欢乐的结束就是痛苦的开始。 sym: joy/glee blaspheme: vt. 亵渎;咒骂,辱骂 vi. 说亵渎的话;口出恶言 Dont blaspheme, my mother said. ?过去式 blasphemed 过去分词 blasphemed 现在分词 blaspheming? sym: dishallow, vt,亵渎,玷污. swear, 诅咒. *


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