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第一节 abandon vt. 放弃,抛弃 ~ ship / ~ one’s family ~ oneself to sth.  give oneself to sth. Syn: give up / quit / desert vt. 抛弃,遗弃,放弃 abide bid表示order vi.遵守 ~ by ~ by the law / discipline Syn: conform to 和……保持一致 / comply with 服从,遵守 / obey vt. vt. 忍受,容忍 She can’t abide watching horror films. I cannot abide people with no sense of humor. 一般用于否定句或疑问句 abnormal adj. ab-表示away,norm表示标准 不标准的,不正常的 ~ - minded adj. 心态不正常的;变态的 aboard adv. / prep. a-表示处于某种状态 在(船、火车、飞机、公交)上 Welcome aboard! ~ the plane / train / ship / bus asleep adj. / alone adj. / alive adj. / ashore adv. abolish vt. a- 表示否定,bol表示born 废除,取消 ~ capital punishment apolitical adj. / atonal adj. Syn: do away with 废除 / cancel 取消 abound vi. 大量生产,盛产 ~ in abundant adj. 大量的,丰富的 be ~ in Syn: enough adj. / sufficient adj. / ample adj. abroad adv. 在(到、向)国外 go ~ / study ~ Syn: overseas adj. / adv. 国外的;在国外 the students studying ~ / ~ students 到处,遍布 absolute adj. solu (solv)表示“松开” 完全的,绝对的 solve v. / solution n. / solvable adj. absent adj. sent (send) 表示派遣 缺席的,不在的,漫不经心的 ~ - minded be ~ from / be present at consent vi. 同意,准许 ~ to agree with sb. / agree to sth. present adj. resent vt. 怨恨 represent vt. 代表 / representative n. 代表 absorb vt. 吸收,兼并,吞并 ~ noise / chemicals vt. 吸引注意力或兴趣 be ~ed in doing sth. absorbing adj. 引人入胜的 abstract abs (ab) 表示away,tract表示拖,拉 vt. 提炼 ~ some minerals out of the ores n. 摘要 adj. 抽象的 The professor said the abstract I abstracted from my paper is too abstract. tractor n. extract vt. n. ex-表示向外 distract vt. protract v. pro-表示向前 prolong contract v. n. con-表示一起 absurd adj. sur (sure)表示肯定,确定 荒谬的,荒唐的,可笑的 an ~ question opp: rational adj. 理性的 ~ nationals abuse v. 滥用,虐待,辱骂 ~ one’s wife / authority n. 权力,职权/ captives n. 俘虏 n. 滥用,谩骂,凌辱 drug ~ academic adj. 专业的,学术的 ~ degree ~ costumes ~ seminar n. ~ terms n. academy n. 专业院校,研究学会 a military ~ syn: university / college / school / institute accelerate v. celer表示快速的 加速 decelerate v. syn: speed up opp: slow down access n. cess ( cede / ceed)表示go


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