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《返老还童》里的英文经典对白 一直很好奇,街上是什么样子的?下个街角又是怎么样? Always had a healthy curiouly , what was up the street ? Or around the nextcorner ? 有时候,我感觉一切和前一天大不一样了。 Some days I feel different than the day before. 每个人在某种程度上都对自己有不同的认识,但是我们最后都会去往同一个地方,只是走的路不同罢了。 Everybody feels different about themselves , one way or another . Butwe`re all going the same way . Just taking different roads to get there ,that`s all . You`re on your own road . 有时候我觉得很可笑,那些在我们记忆里占据着很小一部分的人们,却往往给我们留下了最深刻的印象。 It`s funny how sometimes the people we remember the least , make the greatestimpression on us . 我们注定要失去我们所爱的人,要不然我们怎么会知道,他们对我们有多么的重要。 We`re meant to lose the people we love . How else would we know how importantthey are to us ? 长大是件很有意思的事,不经意间就发生了,本来是这样一个人,然后突然间变成了另一个人,不再是原来那样子。 Growing up`s a funny thing , Sneak up on you . One person is there , than suddenly somebodyelse has taken here place . She wasn`t all albows??and??knees anymore. 无论你弹奏得怎样,重要的是你弹琴时的感受。 It`s not about how well you play . It`s how feel about what you`replaying .?? 秋天的一天,死神不期而至。 And one fall day, a familiar visitor came knocking on our door . 你可以像疯狗那样对周围的一切愤愤不平,你可以诅咒命运,但是等到最后一刻,你还是得平静的放手而去。 You can be as mad as a mad dog at the way things went . You could swear, curse the fates . But when it comes to the end , you have to let go . 我们的生命因为各种各样的机遇而变得更有意义。 Our lives are defined by opportunities , 有些时候我们就活在即将发生冲撞的轨道上,浑然不知无论它是意外发生还是蓄谋已久,对此我们都无能为力。 Sometimes we`re on a collision course and we just don`t know it . Whetherit`s by accident or by design , there`s not a thing we can do about it . 你既然选择了去做那种特别的,与众不同的事情,那么就只有那么短一段时间你能做它们,即便是什么也没发生过,早晚你也是得在你现在待的地方。 You know , you might`ve got a few more years out of it , but you chose to dosomething so special and unique that there was only a short window of time youcould do it . So , even if nothing ever happened , you`d still be right here whereyou are now . “我要是成了黄脸婆,你还会爱我吗?”-------黛西(Daisy) “等我老到脸上长满青春痘,老到尿床,老到连楼梯下有什么都怕,你还会爱我吗?”??------本杰明 (Benjamin) Will you still love



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