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翻译考试中的误译 2、英语基本功不扎实,主谓语一致、名词单复数、时态、语态、动宾搭配、冠词、介词使用存在问题。 例1. attach importance on 例2. every countries 例3. talented personnels 例4. The China 例5. a open economy 例6. in various of social undertakings 翻译考试中的误译 例7. Up to July in 2010, there are 698 thousand companies which are invested by foreign capital. 例8. 坚持改革开放 insist on (persevere in) reform and opening up persist in reform and opening up 例9. 贯彻执行改革开放的政策 apply for the policy of reform and opening up 仍属于动词误用 implement the policy of reform and opening up 翻译考试中的误译 3、数字翻译不规范 例1. 30万美元 US$300000 US$300,000 例2. 13亿人 1300000000 people 1.3 billion people 4、背景知识欠缺,有些考生对时事、新闻、社会热点问题不熟悉,造成一些基本概念误译 例1. 综合国力 complex national power comprehensive national strength 翻译考试中的误译 例2. 各项社会事业 all kinds of social businesses / social careers various social undertakings 例3. 非物质文化遗产 non-substance cultural heritage, non-material culture legacy, non-material cultural heritage, unmaterial civilization legacy intangible cultural heritage 翻译考试中的误译 例4. 五四运动 5-4 sports the May 4 Movement 5、中国时政经济类词语错译 例1. 经济建设、政治建设、文化建设和生态建设 economic construction, political construction, cultural construction and ecological construction economic, political, cultural and ecological development 翻译考试中的误译 例2. 促进“引资”与“引智”相结合 combine fund-input and intelligence-input, bring in capital and bring in the wise, combine funds-import and intelligence-import, promote combination of “induce capital” and “induce intelligence”, combine finance invitation and brain invitation make use of both financial and intellectual resources 翻译考试中的误译 例3. “引进来”和“走出去” “put-in” and “put-out”, “take-in” and “walk out”, “attract-in” and “go-outside”, attract to mainland and open to overseas “inviting-in” and “going global” 例4. 推动科学发展 promote the development of science and technology, promote the science drive, develop science strive for development in a scientific way 翻译考试中的误译 TEM-8: 英语专业八级考试,每年3月8日左右举行,在第8学期。 大自然对人的恩赐,无论贫富,一律平等。所以人们对于大自然,全都一致并深深地依赖着。尤其在乡间,上千年来人们一直以不变的方式生活着。种植庄稼和葡萄,酿酒和饮酒,喂牛和挤


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