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职业规划中值得关注的九大误区(双语); What I am going to discuss in this article is taking a macro look at some of the myths that many careerist might believe to be true. Hopefully all of us will then start to adopt a different approach to craft the ideal career。;  在今天这篇文章当中,我要和大家从宏观的角度探讨一下职业认知误区,而这些误区往往被很多事业狂人奉为真理。真心希望,我们所有人都能走出误区,找到经营自己理想事业的新途径。;  Myth 1: I only answer to my boss;  误区1:我只听老板的话。;  Fact: Just because you interact better with your bosses doesnt mean you are in for a glorious career. In fact, one of the most important hiring criteria for many companies is the individual’s ability to work as a team player—yet, so many of us have colleagues who don’t play well with others. Make teamwork a priority!;  事实:比其他人更擅长和自已的老板沟通,并不意味着工作可以一帆风顺。事实上,很多公司用人最重要的标准之一,就是一个人的团队合作能力。但是,我们很多的同事都在与人合作方面存在困难。一定要把团队合作摆在第一位!;  Myth 2: There is one perfect occupation waiting for me somewhere;  误区2:总有一份理想的职业在等着我;  Fact: Many occupations have the potential to satisfy your career goals. Once you clearly defined what you are looking for in a career, you will find that there are a number of occupations that matches these criteria. But seriously, don’t find a career you deem perfect, instead make the career you have now a perfect one。;  事实:很多职业都可能满足你的职业期望。一旦明确的认定自己所要寻找的事业,你就会发现大量的职业都满足自己的要求。但是严肃的说一句,不要总是去找自己认为完美的事业,要把自己现在拥有的事业变成完美事业。;  Myth 3: I should choose an occupation based on my strongest skills;  误区3:我应该根据自己最擅长的技能选择一份职业;  Fact: It is risky to consider only your skills for a career decision because skills are only one of the components of a full self-evaluation; interests and values are equally as important in the decision making process. Just because you are good at admin work does not mean you will be happy working in a law firm (if you do not enjoy dealing with subjects in this industry)。;  事实:根据自己的技能来选择职业十分冒险,因为职业技能只是全面自我评估的一部分。在做决定的时候,自己的兴趣和价值观也同样重要。不能因为自己擅长行政管理工作就觉得在一家法律事务所工作也会很开心(如果你不喜欢处理该领域的事情)。;  Myth 4: The best place for me to start looking for an occupation is where employers are doi


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