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Keywords n. 关键字 How many times should my keywords appear on my pages? 我的关键词应该出现在页面上多少次? Role n. 角色, 任务 Shakespearean womens roles were originally written to be played by men. 莎士比亚笔下的女性角色在创作之初是打算由男性来扮演的。 Unique adj. 唯一的, 独特的 Acknowledge We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of everyone who helped us. 我们衷心感谢每一位帮助我们的人所付出的努力. vt. 承认, 答谢 For instance For instance, a base metal could perhaps be turned into gold. 例如,也许可以使一种廉价金属变成黄金。 turn into 例如,比如; 拿 ... 来说 (使)变成; 译成; 成为 Initial adj. 最初的, 词首的, 初始的 n. 词首大写字母 The initial reaction has been excellent... 初期的反应非常好。 Reference n. 提及, 涉及, 参考, 参考书目, 证明书(人), 介绍信(人) We spent days going through all related reference material. 我们花了好多天功夫查阅所有有关的参考资料 Via PREP 介词经由;经过 If you go somewhere via a particular place, you go through that place on the way to your destination. 2. PREP 介词通过;凭借;靠 If you do something via a particular means or person, you do it by making use of that means or person. Mr Baker will return home via Britain and France. 贝克先生将取道英国和法国回国。 Translators can now work from home, via electronic mail systems... 翻译人员现在可以利用电子邮件系统在家里工作了。 Appropriately approximately adv. 适当地 adv. 近似地, 大约 Dress neatly and attractively in an outfit appropriate to the job... 着装要整洁美观,适合于这份工作。 The times are approximate only. 这些只是大致的时间。 Ecology ECOLOGY NEWS - 21st International Invention 生态新闻消息—关于21世纪的国际发明 n. 生态学, invention n. 发明, 创造 Recycle Recycle bin –可循环使用回收垃圾桶 v. 使再循环, 反复应用 n. 再循环, 再生, 重复利用 To put or pass through a cycle again, as for further treatment. 再循环:为了进一步处理等需要重新进入或经过一个循环 mix v. 使混和, 混淆, 混合 n. 混合 Jacks plaid shirt didnt mix well with his striped trousers. 杰克的方格衬衫与条纹长裤不相配。 You can mix blue and yellow paint to make green one. 你可以把蓝色和黄色油漆混合成绿色 Vertical adj. 垂直的, 直立的, n. 垂直线, 垂直面, 竖向 ancient [’ein??nt] They believed ancient Greece and Rome were vital sources of learning. 他们认为古代希腊罗马是知识的重要发源地。 ...ancient Jewish tradition. 古老的犹太传统 adj. 古老的 n. 古代人 Creation The dress is entirely my own creation... 衣服完全是由我设计的。 N-COUNT 可数


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