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第4卷第4期 长 沙 理 工 大 学 学 报 (自然 科 学版 ) Vol_4 No.4 2007年 l2月 Journal of Changsha University of Science and Technology(Natural Science) Dec.2007 文章编号:l672—933l(2007)04—0033—06 悬索桥成桥主缆线形计算研究 肖勇刚,吴坤平 (长沙理工大学 桥梁与结构工程学院,湖南 长沙 410076) 摘 要:基于分段悬链线理论,推导了成桥线形计算方法和迭代格式.以此编制程序并围绕鹪析法中成桥线 形分析中吊索力的确定,结合施工中加劲梁的架设特点,采用三种不同的近似方法来计算吊索力.对各种不 同方法下得到的成桥线形进行了研究和比较.研究结果表明,基于解析的悬链线理论,吊索力虽然近似计算 所得,但计算精度远比参数方程法和抛物线法高,在方法上也比有限元法简便.为以后采用类似方法计算偏 差状况提供了参考. 关键词:悬索桥;成桥线形;分段悬链线理论;吊索力 中图分类号:U448.25 文献标识码:A Determination of main cable shape under dead load state of suspension bridge XIAO Yong—gang,WU Kun—ping (College of Bridge and Structure Engineering,Changsha University of Science and Technology,Changsha 4 10076,China) Abstract:Based on the theory of sectional catenary,the method of calculation and iteration of main cable under dead load state is deduced,and a program is developed upon this meth— od.By surrounding the determination of suspension cable force and considering the ways of stiff girder construction,three different ways are provfded for calculating the force of SUS— pension cable.At last,the analysis and contrast is done among the three ways and other dif— ferent ways.From the result,it indicate that,compared to the method of parameter,parabo— la method,and finite—element method,the method adopted in this paper,which is based on the theory of catenary,is shown more accurate or convenient,although the suspension cable force is obtained approximately. Key words:suspension bridge;cable shape under dead load states;theory of sectional cate— nary;suspension cable force 悬索桥成桥主缆线形的确定是悬索桥设计和


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