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马拉松book5 module 5 cultral conner
* Module5 Culture corner Marathon: the ultimate Olympic event Marathon: the Ultimate Olympic Event victory dramatically ultimate rise to one’s feet protest declare borough competitor tough n. 胜利 adv. 戏剧性地 adj. 最后的 站起身 vi. 抗议 vt. 宣布 n. (自治)区 n. 竞争者;对手 adj. 费力的;困难的 Words preview Words preview 1. event [i’vent] n. 事件,大事 2. marathon [‘m?r?θ?n] n. 马拉松赛跑 3. leader [’li:d?] n. 领导者;首领 4. stadium [‘steidi?m] n. 体育场; 5. crowd [kraud] n. 群众,一伙; 6. cheer [t?i?] vt. 欢呼;为…加油 7. battle [‘b?tl] n. 战役;斗争 8. ancient [‘ein??nt] adj. 古代的;古老的 9. Athens [‘?θinz] n. 雅典(希腊首都) 10 .Persian [p?:??n] n. 波斯人;波斯语 Para1 Para2 Para3 Para4 most people can run a marathon the origins of the marathon the distance of the marathon and the 1908 marathon marathons around the world Match the main idea with each paragraph What are the origins of the marathon? Para.1 It’s said that a Greek soldier ran from Marathon to Athens to tell of the Greek victory. 2 Translate As the leader comes into the stadium to run the last few metres of the 42-kilometre race, the crowd rises to its feet to shout and cheer. 每当领先的运动员进入体育馆来跑那全程42公里的最后几米时,全场观众都会站起身来向他欢呼喝彩。 rise to one’s feet 站起身来 jump to one’s feet 跳起来 struggle to one’s feet 挣扎着站起来 1.When did the modern games start? 2. What’s the distance of the marathon at first ? 3. When was the distance of the marathon changed ? 4.What’s the distance after being changed? In 1896. 40 kilometers. In 1908. About 42 kilometers . Para.2 Sam ____ some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it. (2010山东高考) A. brought up B. looked up C. picked up D. set up C Officials picked him up and helped him to the finishing line, just as the second runner, an American, entered the stadium. 拾起,捡起,救起 搭载某人 收听到 学会外语技能 便宜买到 好转 扶起 The Americans protested and in the end the American runner was decla
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