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在课堂教学中开展合作学习 Cooperative Learning in Classrooms 青海师范大学附属第二中学 李新有 Cooperative Learning in Classrooms What’s Cooperative learning? Why do we use Cooperative learning? Elements of Cooperative learning Cooperative learning activities in classrooms 课堂教学中的合作学习 为什么是合作学习? 为什么要进行合作学习? 合作学习的基本要素 课堂中的合作学习活动 合作学习 Cooperative Learning 合作学习理论吸收了认知学派、行为主义学派和人本主义学派的思想,是指“学生为了达到一个共同的目标或完成一个共同的任务,在规定的时间内,开展的小组活动的学习过程。 PAIR WORK GROUP WORK Three basic ways students can interact with each other as they learn They can compete to see who is best . They can work individualistically toward a goal without paying attention to other students. They can work cooperatively with a vested interest in each others learning as well as their own. 学习中学生之间交互的三种基本方式 竞争,看谁“最棒”; 为实现个人目标,独立学习,完全不关注他人; 合作学习,象关注个人的成就一样,关注同伴的学习。 Without the cooperation of its members society cannot survive, and the society of man has survived because the cooperativeness of its members made survival possible Ashley Montagu 没有全体社会成员的合作,这个社会就不能存在。人类社会的生存正是由于其全体成员的通力合作才使这生存成为可能… Ashley Montagu Cooperative Learning Cooperative learning is a successful teaching strategy in which small teams, each with students of different levels of ability, use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a subject. 合作学习 合作学习是一种成功的教学策略。以小型团队方式进行的合作学习能够使具有不同能力水平的每一位学生参与多样化的学习活动,提高他们对所学学科的理解。 Why use Cooperative Learning? Research has shown that cooperative learning techniques: promote student learning and academic achievement increase student retention enhance student satisfaction with their learning experience help students develop skills in oral communication develop students social skills promote student self-esteem help to promote positive race relations 为什么要进行合作学习? 研究证明,在教学中进行合作学习,能够: 提升学生的学习能力和成绩水平 增强学生学习的持久性 提高学生对于学习体验的满意和成就感 帮助学生发展口头的交际能力 发展学生的社会交往能力 提高学生的自尊心 有助于提高学生形成乐观积极的态度 Elements of Cooperative Learning It is only under certain conditions that cooperative efforts may be e



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