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Egypt Flag The flag consists of three superposed rectangles, black white and red, each having a specific significance, and bears at its centre a golden eagle, the country’s emblem and a symbol of power. Red has been chosen to symbolize glory, white is for purity, whereas the black stripe evokes eras of underdevelopment and colonialism that were overcome. 埃及的首都开罗 埃及首都开罗(Cairo)横跨尼罗河,气魄雄伟,风貌壮观,是整个中东地区的政治、经济和商业中心。大开罗是埃及和阿拉伯世界最大的城市,也是世界上最古老的城市之。 在开罗市区的解放广场一侧,是埃及博物馆,藏品在10万件以上,在介绍埃及文化、特别是在介绍法老时期和希腊—罗马时期的古物方面,是无与伦比的。与这个博物馆相距不远,位于尼罗河中一个岛上的开罗塔,高187米。登上这座现代化建筑,全城景色,尽收眼底 。 开罗也是阿拉伯联盟总部所在地。市内既有清真寺、萨拉丁城堡、阿布丁宫等古代伊斯兰建筑艺术瑰宝,又有鳞次栉比的现代化高楼大厦。遍布全城的清真寺宣礼塔使开罗享有“千塔之城”的美称。 开罗因地处欧亚非三洲的交通枢纽,漫步街头,可见各种肤色的人。本地人,宽袍大袖、俨然古风。在某些街区,偶尔还可见到骑着毛驴放牧的村姑,未免新奇。这也许是旧开罗的缩影或古开罗的残迹,但无伤大雅,历史的车轮,仍带着这座名城,向着更现代化的道路前进。? Religion Islam is the official religion of the Arab Republic of Egypt. Most non-Muslims in Egypt are Christians, the majority of whom belong to the Coptic Orthodox Church. Egyptian Family: Egyptians consider their family as an integral entity which they have to protect. Egyptians are known to be the most funny, friendly and helpful nation of the Middle East. If youre sensitive to their humor, which is renowned world-wide, youll be surprised to see how far a smile or a joke can take you in Egypt. Manners In any greeting between men and women, the woman must extend her hand first. If she does not, a man should bow his head in greeting. If you are invited to an Egyptians home for dinner, bring good quality chocolates, sweets or pastries to the hostess. Always give gifts with the right hand or both hands if the gift is heavy. Gifts are not opened when received You would normally remove your shoes before entering. Wait for the host or hostess to tell you where to sit. Eat with the right hand only. Always show appreciation for the meal. Leave a small amount of food on your plate when you hav


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