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29 3 V ol. 29 No. 3 2 0 0 3 5 OP T ICA L T E CHN IQ U E M ay 200 3 : 1002- 15 82 ( 200 3) 03-0 304- 0 3 图像处理技术在材料表面形变测量中的应用 耿涛 强锡富 张博明 ( 15000 1) : / / CCD / / / : CCD; ; : O34 8. 1; T N9 11. 7 3 : A Application of image processing technology on measurement of materi al surface deformation GENG Tao, QIANG X-i fu, ZHANG Bo- ming ( Dep art ment of Autom ation M easur em ent and Control Engineer ing Harbin In stitute of T echnology Harbin 15000 1 China) Abstract: T he m easure system w as designed f or t he m echanics character istic of C/ C composite m aterial at high temperature throug h analyzing C/ C composite m aterial of the relation of stress and strain . T he C/ C composite m aterial architectur e and the pr inciple of measur ing C/ C composite m aterial test specim en at high temperature based on the CCD im ag e processing technolo gy are presented . And the incorporated objected im age of C/ C composite m ater ial w as obtained at high temp er ature and the im age bor der w as calculated by the use of Sobel operators. T hrough the chang e of coor dinate the defor matio n ex perim ent num erical valu e of C/ C composite m ater ial at high t emperatur e w as got . T he desig n m et hod of the im age processing in the m easuring sys- tem w as analyzed and t he curves of the exp erim ent result are show n. Key words : charge coupled devices; str ain m easurem ent ; dig ital im age process 1


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