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新东方《考研英语历年真题详解及复习指南》 2003 年考研英语写作 Directions: Study the following set of drawings carefully and write an essay in which you should 1) describe the set of drawings, interpret its meaning, and 2 ) point out its implications in our life. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points ) 【审题谋篇】 2003 年的写作部分是图画作文的命题模式,题目中提供了两幅图片,反映了某种社会 现象。第一幅图中画了一盆花,它被放在一个温室里,温室外面正下着大雨,并且伴有闪电, 但温室中的花朵依然娇艳地开放。第二幅图中画了同样一盆花,它被移到了温室外面,在大 雨和闪电中,花儿立刻凋谢了,花瓣被大雨打落到了地上。图下标注一行文字“温室花朵经 不起风雨”。由图片及注文我们不难看出,这两幅图意在反映当下的热门话题——父母溺爱 孩子的现象。通过图下的文字“温室花朵经不起风雨”,我们可以推测出图画的作者对这种 现象持否定的态度。 这是典型的社会热点话题型作文题目。题目通过两张图画,以小见大,反映当前的社会 热点话题,让考生发表自己的观点。由此,我们会想到当下大学生抑郁,甚至自杀等社会现 象,而这些社会现象正是父母对孩子过度呵护导致孩子长大后不能面对挫折的结果。 通过以上分析,我们确定这是一种反映社会负面现象的话题。对于这样的话题,我们应 该在自己的作文中描述这种现象,说明其普遍性,并分析其害处,进而提出自己的观点和建 议。 1 / 2 新东方《考研英语历年真题详解及复习指南》 【优秀范文】 Above are graphic pictures that show a sharp contrast with each other. In the first picture, a potted flower is inside a greenhouse, so it can grow healthy and strong despite the heavy rain and lightning outside. In the second picture, however, when the flower is removed from the greenhouse, it instantly withers as it is confronted with the heavy rain and lightning. Furthermore, there is a caption under these two pictures, which reads “the flower inside the greenhouse cannot stand the wind and rain”. It is therefore safe to draw the conclusion that overprotection is not a good thing. The phenomenon of parental overprotection has been common since China first implemented the family-planning policy in the 1980s. Most families have only one child now, so the children are always over loved by their parents and grandparents. Parents, for example, always spare no effort to satisfy the children’s any demand. What’s more, parents would ra


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