senior care in us 美国养老方式 - usc price school of public policy.ppt

senior care in us 美国养老方式 - usc price school of public policy.ppt

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senior care in us 美国养老方式 - usc price school of public policy

Graduate Students of USC’s Price School 南加州大学公共政策学院研究生 MHA 卫生管理硕士 Nancy Chu Daniel Cortez Lisa DerOhanessian Sevana Meserkhani Anthony Parr MPA 公共管理硕士 Heidi Chan Joanna Diaz Justine Dodgen Leah Haynesworth Tingting Li Spent 6 months researching and analyzing case studies about CCRC’s from 深入研究多国CCRC模式 China 中国 Japan 日本 U.S. 美国 Conducted site visits in Beijing 北京实地考察 : Hospitals, nursing homes, and rehabilitation centers 医院、养老院、康复医院 The graduate students of University of Southern California, Price School of Public Policy would like to thank the following for their generous support and this learning opportunity: 南加州大学公共政策学院研究生团队 感谢泰康人寿及陈林海先生的大力支持! Taikang Life Mike Chen Resident advisory board 住户委员会 One on one mentoring program 一对一导师计划 Taikang Connect 健康管理网络 Certified Nursing Assistant Training Program 持证护理人员训练项目 Framing cost and location 挖掘价格地段优势 Trial experiences 短期试住 One Child Policy 独生子女政策 Perception of Filial Piety 孝道 9073 Aging Pattern “9073”养老格局 90%: Living with family 7%: Community care 3% : Elderly care Preference for a Lively Environment 热闹 Values for Property Rights 产权 Home Ownership Rate: China 90% vs. World 60% 住房自有率:中国90% vs. 世界60% Wait and See 观望 New Community 新兴社区的实际运营效果 Unwillingness to Move into CCRCs when healthy 不愿过早入住 Physiological 生存需求 -Basic Living 基本生活 -Health 健康: Keep Health 养生保健 Health Service 健康服务 -Living Environment 生活环境 Social 社交需求 -Family 家庭 -Inside Community 社区内部 -Outside Community 社区外部 Self-identity 自我认同 Self-development 自我提升 Preventative Health 预防保健 : Staying Healthy Through Education and Prevention(STEP) “教育预防结合”项目 Highlight


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