制备二氧化矽溶胶之物性探讨与参数最适化研究 - 国立高雄应用科技 .doc

制备二氧化矽溶胶之物性探讨与参数最适化研究 - 国立高雄应用科技 .doc

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制备二氧化矽溶胶之物性探讨与参数最适化研究 - 国立高雄应用科技

中文摘要 本論文以矽粉溶解法及離子交換法兩種製備方式製備二氧化矽溶膠。實驗經由反應曲面法,尋找出製備二氧化矽溶膠之最佳條件,且探討反應溫度、反應時間、反應物的起始濃度、pH值等參數對二氧化矽溶膠品質影響進行探討。 矽粉溶解法是以矽粉作為原料,採用NaOH、NH4OH作為催化劑,經過加熱攪拌等程序所製備之二氧化矽溶膠。經由反應曲面法,所得最適化條件為NaOH濃度為0.15 M、溫度為90.0 ℃、反應時間8 hr,其預測產率為95%。確認實驗結果其產率為93%,實驗結果與迴歸模式所預測結果很相近。 離子交換法是以矽酸鈉為原料,經由陽離子交換樹脂製得矽酸,採用滴加方式將其滴入NaOH溶液中,經加熱攪拌即可製得二氧化矽溶膠。經由反應曲面法之設計,所得最適化條件為矽酸鈉溶液5.0 wt%、反應溫度90.7 ℃、NaOH濃度為14.7 wt%,預測粒徑為10.1 nm。確認實驗結果其粒徑為9.9 nm,實驗結果與迴歸模式所預測結果很相近。 英文摘要 In this study, silica-sol were synthesized by ion-exchange process and silicon hydrolyze process. The Response Surface Method was applied to design the optimum condition. The effect of various conditions, including the concentrations of reactants, reaction temperature, time and pH value were investigated. Using sodium hydroxide and ammonia solution as catalysts, silica sol was prepared by the reaction of silicon powder with water through dissolving method. By Response Surface Method, the optimal preparatory condition were: sodium hydroxide 0.15M was continuously reacted for 8 h at 90.0oC. The yield of silica sol by design of experiments is 95%. The results of experiment indicated that the yield is 93%. The experimental results with predicted results similar to those, Recognized as the best conditions. Using sodium silicate through the caion-exchange resin to obtain silicic acid . Silica sol was prepred by dropwise silicic acid into sodium hydroxide solution. By Response Surface Method, the optimal preparatory conditions were: 14.7wt% sodium hydroxide solution, 5.0wt% sodium silicate solution, reaction temperature at 90℃. The particle size of silica sol by design of experiments is 10.1nm. The experiments results indicate that the particle size is 9.9nm. The experimental results with predicted results similar to those, Recognized as the best conditions. 目錄 摘要 ????????????????Ⅰ Abstract ????????????????Ⅱ 目錄 ????????????????Ⅲ 表目錄 ?????????????????Ⅶ 圖目錄 ?????????????Ⅸ 第一章 緒論???????????????1 1-1 前言???????????????1 1-


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