城市空气质量 - world bank group.ppt

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城市空气质量 - world bank group

案例 北京 Case study Beijing 天然气等清洁能源的使用比例不断提高;(Increasing percentage of clean energy) 污染源向市区外迁移,充分利用郊区巨大的环境容量,四环路内已没有大型污染源;(pollution source relocation) 推广热电联产(Closure of small coal facilities and cogeneration additions) 对于发电厂、热源厂、化工厂等重点污染源采取脱硫、脱硝、除尘等严格的末端治理措施。(End- of –pipe) Air quality in Changing Effective measures to ameliorate air quality identified Switching coal to clean energy: natural gas, LPG, electricity, etc. In particular, CBM (coal-bed methane) switching in coal-rich cities. Cogeneration expansion to replace small-size coal facilities Energy efficiency through relocation of urban sources (Capital Steel Corporation Relocation) Emerging issues to address air pollution in cities No national guidelines for various classified cities to stipulate strategies of air quality improvement Lack of fast-responding model to translate emission into exposure, resulting rule-of-thumb prevailing Insufficient retrospective assessment on various strategies to address air pollution Co-benefits of GHG emissions reduction unaccounted from amelioration of air quality (act locally but don’t think globally) 各种减排方案分析研究,成本-效能分析开展的还不够充分。没有适当的方法可以将空气污染造成的所有损失费用和控制空气污染物所需的费用进行量化,并通过比较选择出一项或多项污染损失和控制费用之和最小的污染控制方案为实施方案。 The study and analysis of emission reduction and cost-efficiency program has not been completed in China. 实施的多种空气质量控制措施必定可以削减温室气体的排放量,但尚未进行定量的研究 (many countermeasures to address urban air pollution simultaneously bring GHG emission reduction, but barely have been quantitatively accounted) 建立大气污染物排放与环境空气质量之间的关系、分析各种(类)污染源对大气污染物浓度的贡献; To explore the relationship translating source emissions into exposure 建立大气污染控制措施费用-效益分析方法,通过整体优化确定城市达到环境质量保护目标投资费用最小的组合方案; To determine the methodology of cost-benefit on various programs to address air pollution of classified cities 建立大气污染控制措施与温室气体效果关系的计算方法。 To explore the methodology of GHG emission reduction of air quality amelioration 确立改善空气质量和减少温室气体排放的技术措施/项目 To identify projects to reduce pollutants


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