培育大学生核心能力之教学 - 教师历程系统 - 淡江大学.ppt

培育大学生核心能力之教学 - 教师历程系统 - 淡江大学.ppt

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培育大学生核心能力之教学 - 教师历程系统 - 淡江大学

Pike、Smart、Kuh與Hayek(2006)分析NSSE的資料發現,私立學校有較多的富裕家庭的學生,其學習投入表現較佳,而公立學校有較少富裕家庭的學生,其學習投入則較低。 * * 學生學習投入產生的影響 根據研究結果,學習投入與大學生的 1. 學習表現、 2. 學習滿意度、 3. 學校認同感、 4. 未來發展 等四個因素有關 * * 劉若蘭(2009)以台灣師範大學教育評鑑與研究發展中心建置的「台灣高等教育資料庫」,分析影響學生學習發展成果的因素。 研究結果顯示,學術投入與人際投入對學習發展有顯著效果。 * * 台灣的研究實例 * * * * 學生背景: 1. 性別 2. 身份別 3. 家庭社經地位 4. 就讀科系 學校背景: 1. 公私立別 2. 學校類型 3. 學校規模 大學生學習結果: 1. 學業表現 2. 學習滿意度 3. 學校認同感 4. 生涯發展 認知投入 情緒投入 行為投入 多因子變異數分析 (MANOVA) 結構方程模式 (SEM) 階層線性模式 (HLM) 大學生與學校背景 學生學習投入 (student engagement) 八 Student engagement in Taiwan * * 1. Sampling Six teacher colleges and 330 students in Taiwan were randomly selected. The questionnaires were mailed to 6 teacher colleges and invited the related professors to assist to finish the survey. In total, 328 students responded to the survey from April to May 2012. The response rate was 99%. * * 2. Statistic models Student Engagement = BE (B1-B6)+ EE (E1-E3)+ CE (C1-C5) (it also includes gender, years of attending the program, SES, parent-student relationship in the regression models); MANOVA is used to compare the group different with various dependent variables. * * Learning Effects = Academic Performance (9-1) + Student Satisfaction (9-2) + Student Identification (9-4) It is also included gender, SES, parent-student relationship, and student engagement scores in the models. * * Testing the regression models for learning effects AP= SES+PR+BE+EE+CE SS= SES+PR+BE+EE+CE SI= SES+PR+BE+EE+CE * * 3. Instrument * * * * 4. Regression models for student engagement * * 5. Learning Effects5. For AP: In regression model, only cognitive engagement (CE) can be used to explain the students’ academic performance (AP) (R=.170, F(1, 295, .05)=8.724, p=.003, VIF 10). * * Why students’ social economic status (SES), parent-student relationship (PR), emotional engagement (EE), and behavioral engagement (BE) did not include the AP regression model? * * Regression model SS= SES+PR+BE+EE+CE * * 6. Conclusions 1. Student engag


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