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董氏奇穴针法及其刺絡疗法在治疗疑难病症中的临床应用 Tung’s Acupuncture and blood pricking method in treatment of rare diseases 台湾董氏针灸真传弟子 胡文智中医师 Dr Tungs student Hu Wenzhi 加拿大中医药针灸学会 祝尔敏中医师 Canada Chinese medicine association Zhu Ermin 2008年世界传统医药大会 2008 world Traditional Medicine Congress 2008-11-7 一、董氏奇穴针法与作者 Author’s introduction 董氏针法自1962年公之于世,迄今已过去46年。 第一作者胡文智医师为董氏针法真传弟子,著有《必威体育精装版实用董氏针灸奇穴全集》,近年来又发明了“十全穴”,在治疗疑难病症的临床中取得奇效。 It has been 46 since Tung’s Acupuncture opened to the public. The first author, Dr Hu wenzhi, is Tung’s first descendent student, also the author of Tung’s acupuncture points index book, and invented “shiquan” points, which has been approved to be very efficient in treating rare and difficult diseases. 第二作者祝尔敏医师,拜胡文智为师,学习研究董氏针法,在治疗疑难病症的临床中也摸索出一套“四框定位点刺”的治疗方法,取得显著疗效。在2006年9月加拿大多伦多召开的第三届国际传统医药大会和2007年10月北京召开的世界针灸学会联合会成立20周年暨世界针灸学术大会上,分别发表了学术论文 并做大会发言。 The second author, Dr TMC Ermin zhu, is a student of Dr Hu, has been studied and investigated Tung’s system during her clinical practice. She invented “ four-points blood pricking” method, which has very announced clinical outcomes. She has presented her papers on Third international traditional medicine congress in Toronto in 2006, and the 20th world acupuncture congress in Beijing in 2007. 二、董氏奇穴的优势与特色 Characteristic and advantage of Tungs system 1.把握董氏刺络疗法的机理 An understanding of Tung’s blood pricking theory ——是诊治疑难病症、找准病因的理论前提 --- a basic theory for effective diagnosis and curing of rare diseases 董氏奇穴针法的理论基础 “疏其血气,令其调达而至和平”及“坚者消之”、“结者散之”、“留者功之” conducting qi and blood in order to harmonize them ,diminish the stiff, break up the condensed, clear the remains sickness starts very shallow in Jing and normally progress to deeper extend in luo 内经 inner canon 叶天士 Yetianshi 董氏奇穴针法 Tung’s acupuncture 久病必有瘀,怪病必有瘀, 痛病必有瘀,重病必有瘀。 Long-term diseases, unidentified diseases, pain-related diseases, severe diseases are mostly associated with blockage In the body. 重视“活血祛瘀、点刺放血”疗法 E


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