相关工作mmc 两类m3fs 多类m3fs 实验结果.ppt

相关工作mmc 两类m3fs 多类m3fs 实验结果.ppt

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相关工作mmc 两类m3fs 多类m3fs 实验结果

Multi-Class M3FS 多类SVM Multi-Class M3FS 类似两类问题,给每个特征定义一个比例因子,就可以得到多类的M3FS: p:第p类,k:第k个特征 提纲 相关工作 MMC 两类M3FS 多类M3FS 实验 实验 实验数据集 Real word data set DB: UCI:ionosphere,digits,letter,satellite Minst 说明 Clustering performance,generalization ability of M3FS Toy data sets DB: UCI:iris data set(4 feature/instance)+10 noise features 说明 Ability to detect relevant features 对比方法: Feature Selection based on Gaussian mixture model(FSGMM) Laplacian score +MMC/K-Means MMC without feature selection Ours 实验 评价指标 实验时,取有label的数据,将label去掉,进行聚类,聚类后每个cluster的label取得是cluster中样本数目最多label。 Clustering Accuracy(Acc): Cluster中正确分类的样本数目/对应class中样本的数目(the extent to which each cluster contained data points from the corresponding class) Rand Index(RI) R=(a+b)/(a+b+c+d) a: # of data pairs in the same set in both cluster and class b: # of data pairs in different set in both cluster and class c: # of data pairs in the same set in cluster, but different set in class d: # of data pairs in different set in cluster, but same set in class 实验 实验数据集 Real word data set DB: UCI:ionosphere,digits,letter,satellite Minst 说明 Clustering performance,generalization ability of M3FS Toy data sets DB: UCI:iris data set(4 feature/instance)+10 noise features 说明 Ability to detect relevant features 对比方法: Feature Selection based on Gaussian mixture model(FSGMM) Laplacian score +MMC/K-Means MMC without feature selection Real word data set 特征维数 原始特征维数 实验 实验数据集 Real word data set DB: UCI:ionosphere,digits,letter,satellite Minst 说明 Clustering performance,generalization ability of M3FS Toy data sets DB: UCI:iris data set(4 feature/instance)+10 noise features 说明 Ability to detect relevant features 对比方法: Feature Selection based on Gaussian mixture model(FSGMM) Laplacian score +MMC/K-Means MMC without feature selection Toy data sets Conclusion 提出了一种新的无监督的特征选择的方法Manifold-Based Maximum Margin Feature Selection (M3FS) 利用流形保持数据内在的结构 * Heng Huang副教授 Chris Ding,教授, DijunLuo,二人co-advising Computer ScienceEngineer Dep:做Machine Leani


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