知识图谱视野下的陈昌曙及技术哲学 - international workshop on .ppt

知识图谱视野下的陈昌曙及技术哲学 - international workshop on .ppt

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知识图谱视野下的陈昌曙及技术哲学 - international workshop on

The responsible ethical behavior in peer review is the component and necessary security of the responsible research behavior. Obligation. The paper reviewed work should be duty-bound and one does not seek any personal profit and reward. Promptness. The reviewing work should be finished in time. Especially, the submitted paper outside the university should be reviewed prior so as to not affect the process of the work of others. Impartiality. The review comments of all dissertations supervised by whomever should be objective and impartial without any personal bias. Strictness. The review should be quality focus to prevent any academic misconduct; review comments should also be keen and more constructive. Confidentiality. For the anonymous reviews, especially outside the university, the privacy of reviewed candidates should be kept confidential. Respective. The reviewed candidates should be respected, especially for their academic creation and the intellectual property rights of the dissertation. * 自科学引文索引(SCI)创建以来,人们就努力用科学家发表论文的多少和被引频次,表征论文的数量和质量二项指标来评价科学家的学术水平与创造能力。 2005年,美国加州大学圣迭哥分校的物理学家赫希(Hirsch J.E.)发表了《一种量化个人科学研究产出的指数》一文,提出了高影响力论文数这一简单方便的H指数来评价科学家,在科学计量学界引发一场科研评价新指标研究热,并衍生出一系列改进型的类H指数。 胡小君和鲁索等提出的基于引文网络的代结构理论及其算法,基于贡献角色的H指数和主要贡献H指数及其算法,就是在前人有关H指数及类H指数研究成果的基础上,对科研评价理论与方法的创造性新发展。 然而科学家的创造性思维和论著的创造性内容,难以用定量指标来衡量,而这正是同行专家能够敏锐洞察其本质的。但是科研评价指标定量方法和多视角引文网络分析的可视化技术,可以成为同行评议的有效辅助工具。对此,我用一个实例来说明。 * Since the introducing of Science Citation Index, the number of one’s publications and the cited times are used to measure the quantity and quality of a scientist’s achievement. In 2005, Hirsch J.E., a physicist from the University of California – San Diego, proposed a method using the number of the high impact publications, or what’s he called H-Index (Hirsch, 2005), to evaluate scientists. It induced a boom on the development of scientific evaluation index. A lot of H-type Indices were proposed afterwards to overcome drawback of the H-Index. The structural indicators in citat


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