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123 | 城市研究 主题公园商业服务设施规划设计要点解析 Analysis for Planning and Design Features of Retail and Service Facilities in the Theme Park 黄巍松    文章编号1673-8985(2014)03-0123-06 中图分类号TU981 文献标识码A,B 摘 要 主题公园的建设在我国方兴未艾,商业和服务设施是主题公园中除娱乐设施外的重要组成部分,其规划设计与城市中普通的商业服 务设施有明显的不同。以某大型主题公园的商业服务片区设计实践为例,通过对规划原则、设计指标和标准以及具体规划措施的深入 分析,针对规划设计过程中的重点和难点问题,从总体布局、城市设计、防灾规划、无障碍规划等角度剖析了主题公园中商业和服务设 施的设计特点,总结提炼出5个方面的规划设计要点,为类似项目的设计提供借鉴。 Abstract Theme park development has become a new investment attraction in China. As one of the important factors of a successful theme park design, the development of Retail, Dining Entertainment (RDE), and general service facilities has become a critical topic today. Due to its unique relationship with the theme park, the way of planning and design of this kind of facilities are very different from commercial design in general. By analyzing the mandatory planning guidelines, technical and economic index requirements, and planning methods of a real theme park, this article explores and finds out features of RDE development in theme park design, and then, offers helpful guidelines from five different perspectives, such as master planning, urban design, hazards prevention planning, ADA, etc. 关 键 词 主题公园 | 商业设施 | 服务设施 | 总体布局 | 城市设计 | 防灾规划 | 无障碍 | 排队等候区 Keywords Theme Park | Retail dining entertainment | Service facilities | Master planning | Urban design | Hazards protection planning | Accessibility | Queue Area 1 概述 华的正式开园营业,标志着具有真正意义的主 主题公园是在现代旅游业大发展的形势 题公园初步建立,目前已经进入产业化发展阶 下出现的新事物,它是依据若干个特定主题, 段。尤其是近10年来整个中国似乎刮起了一场 主题公园的旋风, 采用现代化的科学技术和多层次活


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