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肺腺癌的主要肿瘤标志物与化疗疗效的关系 王琳 抚顺市第四医院药剂科 辽宁抚顺113006 Relations between major tumor markers of lung adenocarcinoma and efficacy of chemotherapy Lin Wang WeiShi Fushun Fourth Hospital, Fushun 113006 【摘要】 目的:通过分析病例,探讨肺癌化疗与肿瘤标志物TM的关系,加深人们对肺癌治疗规律的认识。方法:采用病例对照,进行组间比较及自身对照,对化疗前后肿瘤标志物的变化以及肺癌病灶的变化进行比较分析。肿瘤标志物检测采用电化学发光免疫分析方法。结果: 主要肿瘤标志物TM1与CT病灶的联系强度,比值比OR=17.50, X2=27.68, P0.01,符合率94.6%,远高于其它肿瘤标志物。化疗后肺腺癌缓解组主要肿瘤标志物下降率,明显高于进展组,P0.01。肺腺癌患者中有58%的病人是以CEA为主要肿瘤标志物,还有40%左右的患者中是以CA125, CYFR211等为主要肿瘤标志物。结论:主要肿瘤标志物与肺癌病灶有更强的相关性,能提高疗效评价的准确性,选择对其敏感的方案化疗,以提高化疗疗效。 Abstract : Objective To deepen the understanding of the law on the treatment of lung cancer by analyzing the cases , discussing and exploring the connection between tumor markers and lung cancer. Methods By using case- control study, make comparison between with a certain group and conduct self-control study; compare and study on the changes of tumor markers before and after chemotherapy as well as the changes of lung cancer lesions. The tumor markers are detected with the method of electrochemiluminescence immunoassay. Results Odds ratio(OR) of major tumor markers( TM1) and CT lesion = 17.50, X2=27.68,P 0.01. coincidence rate is 94.6% , much higher than other tumor markers. After chemotherapy on lung adenocarcinoma, the declining rate of major TMs from remission group is significantly higher than that of progressive group , P 0.01. Among all lung cancer patients , the main tumor markers of 58 % of patients is CEA , about 40% of patients are CA125, CY211 and so on. Conclusion There is a stronger correlation between main tumor markers and lung cancer lesions. Choosing a suitable CT solution and rendering individual administration on medicine can improve the efficacy of chemotherapy in lung adenocarcinoma. 【关键词】 肺癌;肿瘤标志物;疗效 [Keywords ] Lung cancer; major tumor markers;efficacy 近年来,肿瘤标志物(tumor marker TM)在临床诊断治疗中应用较多〔1〕,肺癌患者在肿瘤发展过程中,可以出现多个肿瘤标志物阳性,由于特异性等方面的原因,测定结果可能与CT影像临床方面不一致,因此这些肿瘤标志物在药物化疗后,如何变化,与病情关系怎样,有必要进行深入的研究。 我们从住院治疗的肺癌病例


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