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It is appropriate at this point to refer to the framework developed in slide 10. While other on-line grocers fit box III in that framework and face high distribution cost, solves the problem by moving to box iv. The point here is that e-fulfillment is not so different than catalogue selling. Indeed, Land’s End uses the same fulfillment systems for both channels. Two Summary Slides: opportunities provided by e-business 當零售商需要整車運送貨物時,直接配銷策略經常被使用。這也表示倉庫無法幫助減少配銷成本。這種策略通常被強大的零售商使用,或當前置時間很重要或緊急情況時採用。直接配銷策略在食品雜貨產業中相當盛行,因為產品的不可儲存性使得前置時間顯得很重要。 舉例來說,單價高但顧客需求低的商品可能會被儲存在中央倉庫。單價低但顧客需求高的商品就可能被儲存在許多的地方倉庫中。 Considerations of Central vs. Local Facilities (中央与地方设施考虑因素) Safety stock (安全库存) Overhead (人头费) Economies of scale (规模效应) Lead time (提前期) Service (服务水平) Transportation costs (运输成本) Advanced information systems (高级信息系统) * Summary (小结) From Push/Pull to Push-Pull (从推/拉式策略到推拉式策略) Push-Pull Boundary (推拉边界) E-fulfillment and Its Logistics Support (电子订单实现以及物流支持) Direct Shipping Cross-docking Warehousing * * The figure provides examples of the location of the push-pull boundary for various companies and industries What is the impact of pushing the push-pull boundary from right to left? Clearly as items move along the supply chain time line (from left to right) their value increase. Thus, locating the boundary as far to the left as possible will reduce inventory holding cost. However this is appropriate for products with short assembly and transportation lead times. This example is important in this discussion since in the PC industry competition is not on technology (all PC manufacturers use the same technology; Microsoft and Intel). Competition in this industry is on price and service level; the two dimension that are important in any definition of SCM. So here is a company that has been very successful competing on SCM What did Dell do and can we learn anything from Dell and perhaps apply to other industry. Locating the Push-Pull Boundary3 (定位推拉边界) The push section requires


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