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Techcode® DATASHEET       1.5MHz 800mA Synchronous Step-Down Regulator Dropout TD6810   General Description  Features   The TD6810 is a high efficiency monolithic synchronous High Efficiency: Up to 96% buck regulator using a constant frequency, current mode High Efficiency at light loads architecture. The device is available in an adjustable Very Low Quiescent Current: Only 20uA During version and fixed output voltages of 1.5V and 1.8V. Operation Supply current during operation is only 20mA and drops 800mA Output Current to ≤1mA in shutdown. The 2.5V to 5.5V input voltage 2.5V to 5.5V Input Voltage Range range makes the TD6810 ideally suited for single Li-Ion 1.5MHz Constant Frequency Operation battery-powered applications. 100% duty cycle provides No Schottky Diode Required low dropout operation, extending battery life in portable Low Dropout Operation: 100% Duty Cycle systems.Automatic Burst Mode operation increases 0.6V Reference Allows Low Output Voltages efficiency at light loads, further extending battery life. Shutdown Mode Draws ≤1uA Supply Current Switching frequency is internally set at 1.5MHz, allowing Current Mode Operation for Excellent Line and Load the use of small surface mount inductors and capacitors. Transient Response The internal synchronous switch increases ef


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