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Your footer here ? Copyright S ? Copyright S Your footer here 第42/583期初一课件 By Tang Hongmei Show’s over (P2) Pre-reading Have you ever seen a live circus show? What is a circus? What kind of activities do you enjoy watching in a circus show? While reading Answer the following questions: When did Ringling Circus give its last show? How old is Ringling Circus? 3. According to the passage, where did the young lion die? It was on May 21. It’s 146 years old. It died in a Ringling train car. 根据中文提示完成下列句子: 1. 北京大学是世界顶级大学之一。 Peking University is _____________________ universities. 2. 那个服装店去年倒闭了。 The clothes shop _____________ last year. 3. 她现在对踢足球感兴趣。 She _______________ playing football now. Words in use one of the world’s top closed down is interested in Post reading It’s said that many other industries also had to “close down”. Can you list some? Zongzi on the menu for Dragon Boat Festival (P4) Pre-reading Do you like zongzi? How many kinds of zongzi do you know? Which kind do you like best? While reading Fill in the following blanks: 1. Zongzi is a _________ for Dragon Boat Festival. 2. Over 2,000 years ago, people _________ cooked rice ____ bamboo or reed leave. 3. Today, we _______________ have so many kinds of zongzi. must wrapped with are lucky to Words in use Fill in the blanks: 1. I have a new idea but it’s __________ (不同) from hers. 2. Nancy loves _______ (甜的) food so much that she always takes chocolate with her. 3. She prepared a ________ (特别的) gift for Mum on Mother’s Day. 4. We have only one ________(选择) now. different sweet special choice Post reading Who does Dragon Boat Festival remember? What activities are held during this festival? What do you do on this day? Sun helps you sleep (P6) Pre-reading Are you a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? How many hours do you spend sleeping every day? While reading True (T) or False (F): 1. The study was done by a team of office workers. 2. All of the 109 office workers are from t



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