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Reference Our field trip required that we complete research in the Dawei Mountain. There we observed many species we had not seen on previous trips. Both hares and monkeys are common in the campgrounds. Whereas the hares were docile, the monkeys were quite aggressive. They would approach the campfire for a handout while we were still eating. We also encountered Dawei Mountain’s famous pangolins, introduced centuries ago by hunters. Another interesting sighting was a pair of wolves. They were brought to the area recently to check the expanding hare population. 试比较 Our field trip for the project required that we conduct research in the Dawei Mountain, where we observed a number of species that we had not seen on previous field trips. Hares were common in the campgrounds, along with monkeys that were so aggressive that they would come out toward the campfire for a handout while we were still eating. We saw pangolins that are fairly common in the area and were introduced there by hunters centuries ago, as well as a few wolves that were introduced fairly recently in hopes of checking the expanding population on hares. 三、科技文体修辞特点 科技文体并不追求语言的艺术美,不过随着现代社会进步,科技的发展给人类的生产和生活带来了前所未有的效率和乐趣,也对社会科学领域产生了深远影响,科技文章逐步摆脱了苦涩沉闷和刻板单调的倾向。尤其是通俗的科技文章,既有正式的书面语言特点,又有通俗易懂的修辞风格。通俗的科技文章尽量少用术语、符号和公式,而采用浅显易懂的语言想读者阐明事理,也会适当采用一些常见的修辞手法,如比喻、比拟等。但是,夸张、双关、反讽、押韵等修辞手法却不宜采用。 明喻(simile) 科技语体中的明喻通常直译,不像文学体的明喻由于文化差异有时要改变喻体或采用意译。 Using this instrument is like trying to pick up one grain of rice with chopsticks: possible, but difficult for the uninitiated. 使用这一仪器就像要筷子夹一粒米那样:能用,但对外行来说是困难的。 2. 暗喻(metaphor) But we are brainwashed by our economic system until we end up in a tomb beneath a pyramid of time payments, mortgages, preposterous gadgetry, playthings that divert our attention from the sheer idiocy of the charade. 但是,经济制度却说服我们去购买商品,直到我们进入“金字塔之墓”而告终。这个金字塔是由转移我们对赤裸裸愚蠢行为注意力的分期付款、抵押贷款、怪诞的小东西,以及各种玩物筑成的。 3. 拟人(personification) 在翻译拟人这一修辞格时,各相关词均要求作合乎情境的处理。 It is very much like
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