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1. Frequent use of abbreviations 1.1 Clipped words E.g. technique??→ tech??(技术) Semiconductor → semicon(半导体) Laboratory → lab(实验室) 1.2 Acronyms E.g. Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation →laser(激光) Sound navigation ranging → sonar(声纳) Radio detecting and ranging → radar(雷达) 1.3 Initials E.g. CPU → Central Processing Unit(中央处理单元) CAD → Computer Aided Design(?计算机辅助设计 ) GMT → Greenwich Mean Time(格林威治平均时间) 2. Wide use of semi-technical words 2.1 Semi-technical words Words which are used both in ordinary English and in EST writings. 2.4 Some semi-technical words have different meaning in different technical fields. E.g. Transmission: 【无线电】发射,播送; 【机械工程】传动装置; 【物理学】透射 Body: 【动物学、解剖学】(人、动物的)身体、躯体; 【植物学】(植物等的)躯干; 【物理学】物体(尤指总体); 【天文学】天体;【几何学】立体图形; 【计算机】正文,文体 In order to avoid the ambiguity or imprecision of more commonly used words with the same apparent meanings, scientists and engineers tend to use words and expressions with meanings which are seldom used outside EST. E.g. Ordinary English: Then the light is turned on. EST: The circuit is then completed. takeaway———remove At once———immediately?? Push in———insert Find out ———determine A lot of———appreciable 4.1 Blending Combining parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word E.g. Connecting rod → conrod(连杆) Variable resistor → varistor(可变电阻) Reduction oxidation → redox(氧化还原) Telegraph exchange → telex(电传) Rectifier transformer → rectiformer(整流变压器) 4.2 Compounding The formation of new words by combining two or more free morphemes E.g. Splashdown(溅落) Fall-out(放射性尘埃) Moonwalk(月面行走) Cell-mediated(细胞媒介) 4.3 Affixation The formation of a new word by adding a prefix or suffix to the base. E.g. Semi-metal(半金属) anti(防,抗)———anti-acid(抗酸的),anti-age(防老化的) super(超,过)———superconductor(超导体) graph(表示记录工具)———chromatograph(色谱仪) scope(仪器)———spectroscope(分光仪), oscilloscope(示波器) 4.4 Acronym Acronyms come out when the combined initial letters follow the pronunciation patterns of English and the seq


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