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Cats UncoveredCats—playful pats, fearsome fighters…deadly hunters.猫是好玩的宠物,可怕的战士,致命的猎手。They beguile us, intrigue us, and mercilessly exploit us.他们迷惑欺骗我们,还无情地剥削我们。But how much do we really understand these enigmatic creatures但我们对这些迷一样的朝夕相处的生灵 we share our lives with?又了解多少呢?Millions of us have cats in our homes.我们许多人在家里都有养猫。They ‘re one of our favorite pets他们是我们最喜爱的宠物之一 and yet we still know very little about them.然而我们仍对他们知之甚少。Yeah, he’s a good boy.是的,他可乖了。In last year’s Horizon, we revealed what the cats of one village去年的地平线栏目中,我们揭秘了一个村庄的喵星人们 got up to once they left the cat flap.在钻出猫洞后都干了些什么。Now we’re taking it even further.现在我们将更进一步。1Cats Uncovered9. In a ground-breaking scientific study,在这项开创性的科学研究中,we’ve asked some of the world’s top cat experts to run experiments我们请了几位世界一流的喵星人专家来开展实验investigating the secrets of our feline friends.调查我们的喵星人小伙伴的秘密。To find out how our cats can unleash more power than a racehorse…探明他们为何能爆发出比赛马更大的力量What happens in the milliseconds before your cat pounces…以及他们猛扑动作之前的毫秒级状态。This is really extraordinarily detailed.这细节是在太清晰了。I’d never expected to see all of this.我从前从没想到能看得这么清楚…and discover the secret weapon behind their superb sense of balance.还有他们超强平衡感背后的秘密武器。To delve even deeper into their hidden world,为了更加深入发掘他们的隐秘世界, we’re fitting our cats with state-of-the-art tracking devices and cameras.我们给这些猫们戴上了最先进的追踪器和摄像机。We’re aiming to create the definitive guide to your cat.我们想的是给你的猫定制一本权威指南。And one of the most fundamental questions we can ask is,而最最基本的一个问题就是, how does the cat experience the world?喵星人是如何体验这个世界的?Tonight, we’ll reveal how our pet cats see, smell今晚,我们将揭秘我们的宠物猫是如何 and hear with the senses of a supreme predator.用其超级猎手的感官来看、闻、听的。In this series, we’re doing something unique.在这系列片子里我们另辟蹊径。We’re following 100 cats in three very different environments我们跟拍了三种不同环境下的 100 只猫咪 to get an insight into their secret lives.以期揭开他们的秘密生活。In the crowded terraces of Hanover in central Brighton,在布赖顿市中心的汉诺威镇的密集排屋中, we’re tracking city cats like Minky.我们跟


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