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Main scene A Let’s try A Let’s talk; A Write and talk (一)知识与能力目标: 1. 能独立完成Lets try部分的练习。 2. 能认识以下单词和短语:March,April,May,sports meet,Easter party,school trip ,singing contest. 3. 掌握重点句子:When is the party? Its is April. (二)过程与方法目标: 能够在情境中进行真实交际;通过小组合作,能够在积极思考、解决问题的过程中学习语言,提高学习热情与自信。 (三)情感态度和价值观目标: 教育学生要做生活中的有心人,从生活中汲取知识。 教学重点: 掌握重点句型“When is the party? Its is April.”并能在实际情境中运用。 教学难点: 灵活运用句型进行情景交际。 Which season do you like best? I like _________ best. Who will go to the sports meet next week? Listen and tick. Marth 24th Dear parents, Please come to the sports meet next Friday. We have a few fun things in spring . We have things in spring. Find the birthday in the same month. Homework 背诵 Let’s talk的对话 抄写课本P24页句子两遍一汉语。 When is the party? Its is April. Blackboard design Unit My school calendar A Lets try A Let’s talk A: When is the Easter party?. B: It’s in April. A: When is school trip? B: It’s in May. sports meet singing contest 教学反思 本课时的重点在于掌握重点句式,并通过对话训练来加强巩固。本课时的难点是在操练句型时要接触一些新词,教师要注意慢慢引导,然后综合运用小组对话、游戏等形式来巩固所学知识。 * Unit 3 My school calendar Period 1 A Lets try A Let’s talk 双河五小 袁利霞 2015 年 7 日 去野餐 go on a picnic spring 去游泳 go swimming summer 摘苹果 pick apples autumn make a snowman 堆雪人 winter Why ? Because I can ________________. play in the snow make a snowman skate pick apples fly kites eat many fruits go hiking go swimming eat ice cream eat watermelon wear T-shirt go on a picnic fly kites go for a walk plant flowers /trees spring summer autumn winter ( )Zhang Pengs parents ( )Mikes parents spring We have a few things in spring. in What are they? sports meet Easter party After the sports meet, we have an Easter party. When is the party? It’s in April. We hav