
第九章 名词及冠词(41-47).doc

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第九章 名词及冠词(41-47)

第九章 名词及冠词(41-47) 第一节:名词 第二节:名词的複數形 第三节:名词的所有格 第四节:冠词 第五节:定冠词的用法 第六节:冠词特別注意的用法 〈第卷〉 名词 School begins in September. 不可数 抽象指上学 There are three schools in this town. 可数 Go to school. 不可数 抽象指上学 Go to the school. 可数 the 是限定词,看得见摸得到的才可以限定 Go to bed 去睡觉 Go to the bed 去到床边 普通名词 一个可数名词在句子里一定要把单复表现出来。 鲸鱼是哺乳动物的译法 Whales are mammals. =A whale is a mammal. =The whale is a mammal. I met a boy. The boy had a ball in his hands. 集合名词 单数,复数都可以 Family家庭,家人, audience, class班级,同学, club俱乐部,会员, company公司,职员, crew机组,机组人员, crowed,群众 government,政府 public,大众 staff, team His family is a big one. 家庭 His family are all tall. 家人 Our team has won the championship. 我队赢得冠军。 The team were all excited. 队员 这些队员都很兴奋。 复数形 Police, cattle, people, poultry [p?ultri] n. 家禽 C One person, two persons/people The police have caught him. Many people were angry at the case. 单数形 …类 只有单数 baggage行李类, clothing服装类, furniture家具类 machinery机械类, merchandise商品类, poetry诗类, scenery风景类 衣服的复数是 clothes 注意特殊集合名词 Fruit 水果总称不加冠词的单数形 fruit 水果种类一种a fruit 两种以上fruits A kind of fruit, two kinds of fruits 成果,结果fruits Do you eat much fruit? The potato is not a fruit but a vegetable. 一种水果 His success was the fruits of hard work. Fish 表数量 一条鱼 a fish 两条鱼 two fish 种类 一种 a fish 两种以上 fishes two kinds of fishes 鱼肉 Fish I caught three fish yesterday. There are a lot of fishes living in the sea. 很多种鱼 〈第卷〉 People 人们 people 一个人a person 国民,民族 a people,一个民族 two peoples, … Ten people were injured in the accident. 红字可用ten persons 代替。意外死亡 be killed 有十个人在这次意外中受伤。 The Chinese are said to be an industrious [ind?stri?s] people. 中国人是一个勤奋的民族。 industry n.工业;勤勉 industrial adj. 工业的 industrious adj. 勤勉的 Hair 全部头发/毛发/汗毛 hair 一根根 a hair/hairs I have long hair. She has thick hair. 她有浓密的头发。 He pulled out two white hairs. 两根白发 他拔掉两根白发。 抽象名词 看不见 ,摸不到 Kindness, beauty, honesty 一般用不加冠词的单数形 I like music. This is important information. 表程度 可加much, any, some, a little一些, little=not much少到几乎没有 I have little hope of succeeding. 我几乎没有成功的希望。 I have a lot of homework( to do.) H


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