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目 录 第1集 2 第2集 36 第3集 69 第4集 106 第1集 (新集)这是一门关于什么公正的课程。我们先讲一个故事 This is a course about justice. We begin with a story. 设想你是一位电车司机 Suppose youre the driver of a trolley car 你的电车正已每小时60英里行驶 Your trolley car is hurtling down the track at 60 Mph. 你发现,在车轨的尽头有5位工人在那里干活 At the end of the track, you notice five workers are working on the track. 你想尽办法停下来,但已经停不住了 You try to stop, but you cant 你的手刹不灵了 your brakes dont work 你感到十分绝望,因为你知道 You feel desperate, because you know 如果你撞向这5位工人 if you crash into these five workers 他们必死无疑 they will all die 你很快会就知道 but to soon you know thats for sure 你不知道该怎么办好 so you feel helpless 直到你发现 until you notice, there is 在电轨的尽头,刚好有一条分叉 off to the right, a side track 在电轨的尽头,刚好有一条分叉 at the end of that track 而在那条分叉路上,只有1位工人 Theres a worker working on the track 你的方向盘还没有失灵 your steering wheel works 所以你可以选择把电车拐向那条分叉路 so you can turn the trolley car, if you want to, onto the side track 撞向1位工人,但救活了另外那5位 killing the one, but sparing the five 现在我要问第一个问题 Heres our first question? 什么是我们应该什么做? whats the right thing to do 你会怎么做? what would you do? 让我们来做一次投票 Lets take a poll 多少人会选择转入拐向那条分叉路 How many would turn the trolley car onto the side track 举起你的手 Raise your hands 有多少人选择一直往前开的? How many wouldnt? How many would go straight ahead 极少数人会。绝大部份选择了变方向 A handful of people would. A vast majority would turn 让我们先听听。现在我们需要研究你这样做的原因 Lets hear first. Now we need to begin to investigate the reasons why you think 让我们先听听占多数的人 is the right thing to do. Lets begin with those in the majority 有谁选择转向一边岔道的? Who would turn to go onto the side track 为什么你会这么做?你的原因是什么? Why would you do it? Would would be your reason? 谁愿意说说你的想法? Who is willing to volunteer a reason? 如果你可以只撞死一人,那么撞死5人肯定是不对的 Because it cannt be right to kill five people when you could only kill one person instead 如果你可以只撞死一人,那么撞死5人肯定是不对的 it wouldnt be right to kill five if you could only kill one person instead 这是一个很好的理由 Thats a good reason 还有谁?是否有人同意这个想法,原因是什么? Who else? Does anybody agree with that reason? 我


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