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题 目 民营企业员工流失问题及对策
学生姓名 蒙 红
专业名称 人力资源管理
指导教师 桑 晓 靖
摘 要:在21世纪的今天,企业的竞争归根到底是人力资源的竞争。目前,我国民营企业的生存和发展主要受困于缺乏人力资源这一现状,员工流失已成为我国民营企业共同面对的一大难题。因此,如何吸引并留住员工已成为民营企业人力资源管理的关键问题。本文首先阐述了员工流失之于民营企业的重要性,介绍了国内外关于员工流失的相关理论,在对员工流失及其相关理论充分掌握的基础上,运用实证分析和规范分析的方法对我国民营企业做了深入的调查和研究,找出了民营企业员工流失的主要原因,即民营企业在管理上暴露出的问题和急功近利的作风。并且提出了一系列有针对性的对策,旨在确立人性化的管理理念和管理制度,营造有吸引力的企业环境和企业文化,这些都需要民营企业老板极大的支持与配合。
Study on The Staff Turnover of Private Enterprises
Abstract: In the 21st century, the competition among enterprise is the competition among human resources in the final analysis. At present, the survival and development of private enterprises suffers from a lack of human resource, staff turnover has become a big problem that private enterprises have to face. Therefore, how to attract and retain staff have become the key problems of human resources management to the private enterprise. At first, this paper expounds the importance of staff turnover to the private enterprises, and some other relevant theories about losing staff at home and abroad are introduced here. On my full understanding to the theory of the staff turnover, I’ve done a thorough study on the private enterprise with the method of empirical analysis as well as normative analysis. At the same time, I found out that the management issues and quick style of private enterprise lead to its staff wastage. I put forward a series of targeted measures, aimed at establishing humanized management concept and management systems, creating the attractive business environment and enterprise culture.
Key words: private enterprises; staff turnover; the private enterprise’s boss
目 录
一、导 论 1
(一)研究背景和意义 1
(二)研究方法和目的 2
1、研究方法 2
2、研究目的 2
(三)国内外研究综述 3
1、国外研究综述 3
2、国内研究综述 4
二、相关概念的界定 6
(一)民营企业的界定 6
(二)员工流失的概念 7
(三)员工流失的模型 7
1、马奇和西蒙模型 7
2、普莱斯模型 9
三、我国民营企业员工流失现状及原因分析 10
(一)民营企业员工流失现状 10
(二)员工流失对民营企业的影响 10
1、员工流失的直接成本 11
2、员工流失的间接成本 11