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1617.城市废弃地生态修复的价值、困境及对策研究 刘晓光 孙苏晶 吴冰 摘要:城市废弃地的生态修复对于构建城市生态网络、激活城市消极空间、保障城市低碳节约型增长 具有重要价值。通过对国内城市废弃地生态修复的现状进行分析,总结出城市废弃地面临两种困境:空间 秩序更新导致的不同类型的生态退化,生态基础设施滞后阻碍城市废弃地的生态修复。在以上研究的基础 上,总结出导致困境的主要原因在于城市空间的粗放管理模式、社会利益驱动下的过度开发与观念落后造 成的公众自觉参与意识缺乏。改善废弃地生态修复设计对策的同时,还需同时加强法律法规的建设与公众 自觉意识的加强。在此基础上,文章提出了针对不同景观要素影响因子的生态修复手法,并结合低碳思想、 动态理论和景观都市主义的指导思想,进行了废弃地改造设计实践中的对策思考,归纳出城市废弃地生态 修复可参考性的设计原则。 关键词:城市废弃地;生态修复;低碳;动态理论;景观都市主义 The Value, Difficulty and Countermeasures of Urban Wasteland Ecological Restoration Liu xiaoguang Sun sujing Wu bing Abstract: The ecological restoration of the city waste land is able to provide great value, constructing urban ecological networks, activating negative urban space, protecting urban low-carbon-saving growth. Through the analysis summed up the status of ecological restoration of the domestic urban wasteland, two difficulties of urban wasteland are proposed: ecological deterioration caused by spatial order updating the ecological degradation and ecological restoration of urban wasteland impeded by lagged ecological infrastructure. On the basis of the above studies, main reasons are summed up: extensive management model of the urban space, over the interests of the community-driven development and the lack of awareness behind the result of the public to consciously participate. While the ecological restoration design of improving wasteland is created, the need to strengthen the construction of the laws and regulations and the strengthening of public-self consciousness are encouraged. Furthermore, the impact factors for different landscape elements of ecological restoration practices are provided, combined with the low-carbon thinking, dynamic theory and landscape urbanism. Finally, the countermeasures of the wasteland design practice are carried out and Referenc


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